[NL 25] AKo 3BP 3handed 855 flop
Posted by Berndacle
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Low Stakes
[NL 25] AKo 3BP 3handed 855 flop
BN: $25.00
SB: $13.15
BB: $28.15 (Hero)
UTG: $25.25
Hi guys.
MP is regular (23/19 on 711 Hands, 30% fold to 3bet, 28% Fold to cbet Flop)
CO is regular (26/17 on 158 Hands)
On the flop I think my hand is a good cbet because we block the nut FD and both villains hold many PPs (most of them will call), some SCs which sometimes hit the 8 (then they call). Furthermore FDs will call and OESDs will call and some GSs will call. Overall I think we don't have too much FE on the flop but good barrelling potential.
Turn is a nice card to barrel, since it is a blank. What do you guys think is a good sizing here?
River is another pretty nice card. After my small turn bet there are still many PPs in villains range I guess. I have KK+ which I can bet here for value. Therefore I continue my bluff and I think I have enough FE on the river.
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i'd check fold the turn. This card doesn't improve your hand or range, and you have close to 0 FE (especially with your sizing).
I don't like the river bluff too, you have some SDV and with the Ah you are blocking a big part of his folding range.
i don't think your opponent is willing to fold turn on 7, if yu bet on river yu have good potential bluff and some value with a,k, so i think it depends how much variance yu want to put on your game and if yu know how villian play that river onther 7,5,8 or J,Q,K,A
I agree with everyone here. Check fold the turn for sure but a small bet is probably the worst since it gets basically zero folds. Otr you have very few, if any, hands that would play this way since squeezing pre with suited connectors and gappers from the BB is not a great strategy (imo) when you're getting a great price to see a flop. Squeezing these hands is better otb when you will have position throughout the hand. So most of you're range is exactly what you have A high and overpairs and overpairs wouldn't play this board like this against two people who have a very strong range advantage. You need to give up ott.
Thank you guys!
I would bet 1/3 on the flop and probably give up on the turn. Villain's range is wide and hit the the board better than your range. I think you will be able to exploit his low fold to 3bet and low fold to cbet stats when you have a clear value range
"Villain's range is wide and hit the the board better than your range. I think you will be able to exploit his low fold to 3bet and low fold to cbet stats when you have a clear value range" --> Nice! I haven't seen it like this up until now. Thx!
Well, I might be wrong tho :). Anyway I find that, even if Villain have a wide range i.e. you have the best on the flop a lot so I see why you are betting. The problem is to be OOP with AK unimproved vs a wide range, and probably you are going to hate like OTT pretty much everytime the turn isn't an A or a K
SQ larger,
size down of flop
allot of other good advice here^^
How big would you go for the squeeze sizing? 10bb? 11bb? What do the rest of you guys think about the sizing of the squeeze?
I like 5-6x
Bet 3 streets in total bluff is not a good move on that spot for me, on that limit there are a lot of regular that will never fold a better hand and a lot of fish that will call you with button pair just in case to see your cards, bluff 3 ways don't pay that often in my opinion. "Tac 1997" explained the point perfectly.
I wouldn’t cbet the turn. If your opponent likes his hand on the flop, he likes his hand on this turn as well when another low card lands. When he calls the flop, we can split his range into four categories. Flush draws, OESD, overpairs, overcards. Betting small gives him the right price to draw to a striaght or a flush. It won’t get him to fold his overpairs. His overcards aren’t too much of a problem because he will most likely only have one live card (AQo, KQo). My advice would be to not bet the turn, hopefully getting to see a free river, otherwise folding if Villain bets. If you do bet, bet bigger so that you don’’t give him a cheap price to call with draws.
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