NL 25 - 4b Pot AKo OoP
Posted by kevson180
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Low Stakes
NL 25 - 4b Pot AKo OoP
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
CO: $28.65
BN: $25.00
SB: $27.25 (Hero)
BB: $27.39
UTG: $25.00
MP: $23.29
BN: $25.00
SB: $27.25 (Hero)
BB: $27.39
UTG: $25.00
MP: $23.29
CO: RFI 28%, ft3bet 55, 4bet 8,3%, cbet 51/60/41
Hero is SB with
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I think 3/GII preflop should be fine, too.
I think he checks JJ-QQ (if he has JJ here), KK, and his giveups. Thoughts?
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Ofc there are some arguments for betting turn, but I wanted to look what he's doing here
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How do you play this hand?
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His JJ-QQ likely x bak rivr, so you're looking at AK (unless you think KQ is in his range which is unlikely), KK+, and bluffs- does he 4bt bluff preflop a lot? You're getting stacked here no matter what (you should anyway), but you get more out of the underprs by betting yourself on turn and river than with your x-c line (which I dont think is great for that reason, and as an overall plan). You even have the As so something like a missed AsQs for him is not possible.....
I'm thinking GII pre-flop since we're OOP. There rest plays itself and we can't really fold. Did you walk into AA?
It's funny. I ran into 75s. But that doesn't matter, its about how to play this hand. I think GII pre ist the best option. I try to learn playing 4bet pots oop, but as knoxox said, it is way better to do this with good PP's.
I would GII preflop or he must be 4betbluffing a lot.
As played I would bet turn & shove river.
I would say that river is close because you split against AK you lose to AA, KK, A5(maybe) and it depends how often he bluffs this river but I think he's checking back a lot. I would call without the As.
Should we GII pre-flop regardless of whether he's 4bet-bluffing? We don't have a made hand yet, and we're going to be in a sticky situation if we flat and the flop comes down 5-6-7 or similar.
You're right. I didn't notice we were OOP. I think this is always a GII preflop. I like calling more with PPs if he 4betbluffs a lot. But I don't really call 4bets OOP.
I think I would call, sizing wise it's kinda close I think. If he would have made it bigger I think shoving is better. Not sure where to draw the line, by generally like calling way more. Especially at nl25
Calling 4bets oop is not a problem rly tbh. Seems to be something just the old school regs are afraid of.
As played seems fine, I think I prefer betting turn and shoving river myself though. Rather check KK / AA / KQs if we could have it OTT I think.
Interested how you think the As blocker changes how we play turn/river, you always have really good intuition on blockers it seems like. I would guess that we wanted to bet with it but check without since I'd expect a good number of AsXs combos to start bluffing turn and maybe even AsXx combos as well.
why betting turn and shoving river ? what range do you put vilain on for calling 2 streets on K high board ?
"Calling 4bets oop is not a problem rly tbh. Seems to be something just the old school regs are afraid of. "
+1 :).
I'd also GII preflop as we are oop.
The way you played it, I think you should check turn. Do you think you can get 2 streets of value from JJ,QQ ?? If you think so, maybe its better to bet the turn, but otherwise, I prefere checking.
As played, super snapcall river.
You slowplay every single street and block KK and AA, and the FD missed/he could have worse or the same for value.
Thanks for your opinion, guys. :)
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