NFD as PFA on 654 2tone 3way

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NFD as PFA on 654 2tone 3way

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $110.77
SB: $50.00
BB: $57.05
UTG: $27.47
MP: $57.78 (Hero)
CO: $123.55
CO 27/20/3b 9 over 50 hands
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is MP with Q A
UTG folds, Hero raises to $1.50, CO calls $1.50, 2 folds, BB calls $1.00
Flop ($4.75) 4 6 5
BB checks, Hero bets $2.75, CO calls $2.75, BB calls $2.75
Not even sure if my cbet is that great here. I obviously have a ton of equity and figured that the texture didn't hit them too well (esp. CO) but getting raised would somewhat suck and by c/c I can balance all of my missed broadway give ups.
Turn ($13.00) 4 6 5 K
BB checks
What now as played? Looks like a decent card for my range even though I might not cbet AK, KQ, KJ that much. CO is likely raising most of his strong hands on the flop and should have 77-JJ quite a lot. Getting raised would again suck hard though.


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Disharmonist 9 years, 5 months ago

Barrel turn for sure, none of them should have a king here, but you easily have. Also, most of their nutted hands will lead flop or x/raise.

Will Winaton 9 years, 5 months ago

I would bet bigger on this flop texture.
OTT I'm not sure if we could vbet Kx, but this should be a rather bad card for their ranges, I would expect some folds. Also, you're the only one w/ all sets, 87s in your range, so this should protect you somewhat from getting raised by slowplayed 55,44 .. But I don't think checking is bad, we will check some Kx, pocket pairs, so I think we should ch FDs sometimes as well.

ohgodwhy 9 years, 5 months ago

I use to bet smaller in 3way scenarios because the sandwiched player can't call as liberally having another player left to act. Maybe that's not correct on a board this drawy but it didn't hit their ranges well and I wanna encourage calls with weaker draws, that's why I bet that small.

If I bet $9 OTT, how do you deal with a 3,5x raise?

Will Winaton 9 years, 5 months ago

I'm not sure.. I would bet here with fairly strong hands for value, and a strong range in general that's the reason I would make it bigger. Also, BBs range as the 2nd coldcaller will have a lot of nutcombos, so I wouldn't say it doesn't hit their ranges.

If you bet $9 he can't really raise 3.5x.. I mean that's an allin effectively. If he raises to that size after all, we just need to calculate implied against his value range. It's kinda close, probably fold.

Limp Limpson 9 years, 5 months ago

anyone else creating a xr range otf? I feel like if we always either xc or xf after checking, then the villains' lives are kinda easy and we do have all nutted combos.

For that reason Im not thinking twice and just bombing ott, we have too much equity, this is still a scare card and its hard to win if we check (and dont bink...and if we bink we win anyway obv)

Kuduku 9 years, 5 months ago

This flop is a rangecheck for me against 2 opponents. Maybe I'd cbet top set or 7s6s but that's pretty much it I think.
As played I think betting the turn against two would be -EV. Yeah it's a "scarecard" etc but it's actually a blank. You have like 3 combos of Kx which can legitimately bet the turn after cbetting flop imo.
While I think x/c still has +EV outcome I doubt a 2nd barrel here will net anything above 0 unless you pot it or something and pray that they both believe you.

stanier101 9 years, 4 months ago

can just barrel here IMO. if you're not betting this exact combo multiway I think your continuing range will be way to strong (sets/big overpairs). Check calling flop is horrible IMO, you sacrifice way too much pure equity and can easily be floated and have to fold turn if you dont improve.

Barreling turn is fine, you have plenty of Kx. If villain flats 77-TT maybe JJ on flop as he likely raises sets and straights, you can just barrel on turn and river easily. Kuduku you say its not a scare card but villians likely flatting range on flop gets crushed by your Kx hands. Plus vs this Range you have plenty of outs + fold equity.

Check raising is overplaying this hand. Bloats pot, narrows his range to nutty Straights and Sets. if you turn an A or Q its super tough to know what to do. Creating a balanced check raise range that includes AQs is pretty tough IMO.

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