Newbie - Advice
Posted by Deejayskate
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Low Stakes
Newbie - Advice
Evening all,
After being recommended this site by a pro player, I have decided that my game needs a lift from mediocre results at micro/low stakes. Are there any good video's that I should watch first?
I have been playing online for many years with about break even BR but I am getting frustrated that I am not increasing my bankroll at all. I want to be successful but cant make up my mind which game type I want to play i.e. cash / mtt /sng.
Anyway, any help gratefully received.
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Cameron Couch, DjUNKeLL, Felipe Boianovsky are good places to start.
Playing cash games will provide a solid foundation for later on if you decide to move into MTT's. Whichever you decide to go with you should stick with it, at least until you have your solid fundamentals.
Play with a solid BRM strat, 50bi's at the micros cash should be achievable 40bi's at the least i think. When you have 50bi's at the next stake move up, if you drop below 40bi's move down. Don't try and chase losses, just move on down till you have 50bi's and move back up again, no big deal.
Focused study - No half-heart watching a video with a couple of beers and the tv on in the background. Watch, pause, take notes, watch again (I normally miss loads the first time around).
Play decent volume, which will give you decent with samples to use your database/analysis tools to get an idea of where exactly your game needs improvement (this will help you target your study toward the material which is most relevant to you).
Work on your mental game to help you recognise/reduce tilt.
6.Eat right, exercise, meditate, whatever works for you to reduce stress and improve concentration. You may need to streamline your life a little/a lot to achieve many of these things, it took me quiting my job and moving to the other side of the world, but 'healthy body, healthy mind' is an old yet painfully poignant adage.
gl and keep us posted!
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