New uNL 'Cash Gamers' Study Group
Posted by Asy
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Low Stakes
New uNL 'Cash Gamers' Study Group
New Cash Gamers study group with the following ideas:
*A players current stakes is not indicative of its potential. (You can apply even if you are playing at NL2)
*Multi-tabling the micros is not the smart way to go up. (If you're looking for quality over quantity and learn a new non-grind approach to the game then look no further)
*Sometimes giving is more important than taking. (Yes, we're working on our ego here, so helping others is an important aspect of this group)
*Life is beautiful when our inner universe isn't limited by our own fears. (At the end of sorrow there is passion, so let's enjoy the game together)
PM for Skype and GL! Asy
[Edit: Currently we are reviewing applications from 2+2, cardschat and some other international forums. Accepted members so far: 3]
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Update: 8 members. Few spots left. PM your skype for interview. GL!
What is this stuff?
It's a cash game study group on Skype/dedicated forums.
this sounds great, i'm really liking your ethos
Update: We've got a few spots left. Also, our dedicated forum is now live. PM with Skype if interested. Thanks!
what is your nick on skype?
what kind of stuff is this group study? I mean specifically? Just hand analysing study group?
@Eugine - live/sweat sessions, leak-finder meetings, database analysis (graphs/stats), recorded session reviews, hh analysis, forum monthly challenges and more..
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