New RIO Pro would like some feedback

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New RIO Pro would like some feedback

Hi Midstakers,
I will be releasing my first video at the end of this month for RIO, I play FR nl200 mainly (nl100 and nl400 also but less). Im a posting this for feedback from you guys and would like as many comments as I can get from people here.
What type of videos you guys would prefer seeing (hand history, live play, voice over play, powerpoint presentations on in game or out game strategies, how to prepare and play sessions, hud, color coding, game/seat selecting etc..), what level of play would you consider you/people here to be at in poker, what you think overall about FR vs SH and/or any other comments/suggestions you guys might have.
Just would like to get an overall feel for what the community is like, wants and at what level.
Thanks in advance to all


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Tom Willetts 8 years, 6 months ago

Hi serge, welcome to RIO!

I only play 6max ante tables these days, but i would be interested in videos on:

Playing from the first 3 positions at fr (how having fish to act behind impacts opening range from these spots etc)
How playing the later positions is different from 6max
Regular tables (not zoom) and adjustments vs specific opponents
Playing in the blinds vs EP opens
Overlimping/over calling (I have only played fr live and this seems to be a feature of these games, not sure how relevant it is online though)


Samu Patronen 8 years, 6 months ago

If you'll make FR videos, you should probably try to add some parts to the video where you explain a little bit how FR differs from 6max (most players interested in NLHE cash game content probably play 6max).

And about video format, I think you should just go with whatever you think gives viewers the best value (in what way can you give the most value, the answer is different for different videomakers).

Also, consider using web cam, makes the experience a little more entertaining!

Looking forward to your vids!

Serge Pouliot 8 years, 6 months ago

Ive noticed that 6max is clearly favored by almost everyone, its getting harder and harder to get good seats in 6max nowadays with seating scripts and the overall gameplay is tougher given less weak players are in the lineup.
Will talk about that, I'll probly give the webcam a try also, good tip!

furiouslettuce 8 years, 6 months ago

Web cam is unnecessary imo but agree with the rest of the comment.

I think I would like to play more 9max than I do but I don't like Stars and 9max hardly runs elsewhere.

antihero 8 years, 6 months ago

Hi and congrats on the contract!
Generally I enjoy pre-recorded sessions with later added commentary much more than live play vids. You can pause the action if there are interesting spots at multiple tables and don't miss out on anything.
I assume you're gonna be an Essential coach? If you're a math guy some powerpoint-vids a la Steve Paul would be cool, where you explain a certain theoretical concept in depth.

Robb_Diamond 8 years, 6 months ago

I'm extremely happy to see a new coach in the format that I'm playing :-)
There's clearly not enough videos on FR on RIO

I prefer liveplay videos and hand histories.
Or any in depth thought process on a specific part of the game like blind vs blind for exemple, but I also think that you should go with what you want to do. I really don't think that you can go wrong that way.

It will be great to see your videos soon. :-)

Quido 8 years, 6 months ago

I will say welcome Serge Pouliot as well. I think you should probably focus on SH gameplay as well as there are not many FR players left. When it comes down to content I think you should do whatever you find the most interesting, you are the teacher after all :-)

Taiga 8 years, 6 months ago

Hi Serge welcome!
I think it depends on your style and what you are most comfortable doing. But hand histories and session reviews are always good. Most of us would probably prefer to see 6max games since it's more familiar.

Serge Pouliot 8 years, 6 months ago

See alot of ppl that want 6max content, my specialty is really in FR and there seems to be alot of content for 6max midstakes already, I will though try to enumerate and specify the potiental differences between the two and see what can/cannot be done in FR vs 6max and vice versa.
Will also down the road play some 6max to try to show in real time what is different, can be done diferently etc...

Quido 8 years, 6 months ago

You are actually right about the lack of FR content. What I would personally find interesting would be a video discussing the differences and how to adjust when playing on a FR table.

Samu Patronen 8 years, 6 months ago

Yeah I kind of assumed that you were hired to be a FR coach, so you should probably do FR content. I think there are none right now, it'll be interesting!

antihero 8 years, 5 months ago

Agree that more specific FR content would be nice, especially if that's your main game!

Regarding lack of FR content: Simon Couling made awesome FR vids. They are two years old but still very recommendable. The hand reviews feature some other UK crushers too (Smb, mayo, pontylad, etc.).

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