New RIO Member frustrated and struggling with results

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New RIO Member frustrated and struggling with results

I recently joined RIO and purchased the essential membership. I transitioned to cash about a year ago from MTTs because I wanted to have steadier results and not be locked into playing for 8 hours if I wanted to leave. Since then I've played about 390k hands, mostly across 25NLz, then 16 NLz after I moved down. During the first 100k hands or so there was a lot of spew, 5 bet shoving A2s readless etc and a lot of tilt. For the most part that has been eliminated, but I'm still losing significantly. It seems as though no matter what I do, I just can't beat the games.

I've just moved down to 10NLz after losing 20BI at 16 over 56k hands. I'm very adequately rolled, so it's not the money that's frustrating. It's the fact that I'm consistently losing when I feel that I am capable of beating the games. I'm willing to answer questions as best as I can, and I don't mind sharing stats etc. I'm even willing to offer up my database for analysis if it will help.

Any advice is appreciated, because sometimes I feel lost and frustrated, especially when I feel that I'm just smashing my head into the same brick wall over and over again.


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vaffeltroll 7 years, 3 months ago

So go through your database and filter for your big losses, and which cards/situations lose you the most. Think them through, maybe use pio. And post some hand histories if you're uncertain about them

No one can magically see what's the issue. Except don't ever 5bet shove a2s even if you think you have perfect read in a 10NL cash game. Also make sure to not play too many tables. You probably played alot when playing MTT. As you're losing I'd keep it at max 2 tables of zoom and really pay attention

Or just play at a different site than pokerstars. Why would anyone ever wanna play there? Toughest opposition, and horrible rake. At MGM you can get 30% rb from the get go. Not as pretty maybe but you are here to make money, not look at smooth UI, no?

Kalupso 7 years, 3 months ago

What is your positional raise first, call and 3bet stats? Cash games with high rake and no ante plays quite differently than MTTs in those spots.

d5t6y7 7 years, 3 months ago

25 nl 313k hands

SD: -3042
NSD: 1886

win rate: (sb: -22.71) (bb: -49.21) (ep : 14.59) (HJ: 12.99) (CO: 10.2) (BU: 25.54) (Overall: -1.47)

(sb: 51) (ep: 15.88) (HJ: 20.79) (CO: 25.79) (BU: 47.01)

call 2 bet: (sb: 4.51) (bb: 26.88) (HJ: 5.88) (CO: 8.09) (BU: 9.86)

3 bet: (sb: 11.36) (bb: 6.65) (HJ: 3.32) (CO: 4.79) (BU: 9.2)

raise then fold to 3 bet: (sb: 46.92) (bb: 23.53) (ep: 42.82) (HJ: 45.7 )(CO: 45.09) (BU: 56.79)

d5t6y7 7 years, 3 months ago

16 NL 56k hands

SD: -294
NSD: -23

winrate: (sb: -16) (bb: -38.93) (ep: 4.94) (HJ: 6.44) (CO: 6.09) (BU: 15.67) (Overall: -3.55)

RFI: (sb: 52.48) (ep: 18.71) (HJ: 22.34) (CO: 27.32) (BU: 48.74)

Call 2 bet: (sb: 3.88) (bb: 25.9) (HJ: 4.35) (CO: 5.22) (BU: 6.14)

3bet: (sb: 8.69) (bb: 6.18) (HJ: 5.63) (CO: 6.43) (BU: 8.05)

raise then fold to 3bet: (sb: 47.02) (bb: 33.33) (ep: 49.35) (HJ: 52.35) (CO: 46.83) (BU: 57.57)

Kalupso 7 years, 3 months ago

The numbers look reasonable. Your cold call outside BTN and BB is a little high, but nothing that out of line. Your 3bet numbers are a little low.

Preflop numbers are good enough that it's very likely postflop you're leaking. Maybe you call too many bets from nits (based on you losing so much at SD)?

BigFiszh 7 years, 2 months ago

Please provide Std.Dev, W$WSF, WTSD, W$SD, River Call Efficiency (only if using PT4), AF (ip / oop).

But one word of warning ahead: don't underestimate the brutality of variance! I know, half a million hand sounds huge, but play with a variance simulator and you'll see that the likelihood of ending in the negative is significant (i.e. 11% if you play with a true winrate of 3bb/100 and of 120bb - which means, one of nine players with a true winrate of 3bb/100 will end up negative after 350k hands).


d5t6y7 7 years, 2 months ago

I haven't used standard deviation before, but I added it to my report.

25 nl

Std dev: (sb: 112.08) (bb: 103.75) (ep: 75.87) (HJ: 81.17) (CO 94.44) (BU: 111.88) (Overall: 96.53)

WWSF: (sb: 54.89) (bb: 44.75) (ep: 54.39) (HJ: 54.62) (CO: 54.14) (BU: 56.17) (ovrall: 51.96)

WTSD: (sb: 27.75) (bb: 26.54) (ep: 28.06) (HJ: 27.8) (CO: 29.11) (BU: 27.7) (overall: 27.6)

WSD: (sb: 50.42) (bb: 53.03) (ep: 56.2) (HJ: 51.33) (CO: 50.29) (BU: 50.94) (overall: 51.96)

RCE: (sb: 1.22) (bb: 1.48) (ep: 1.53) (HJ: 1.67) (CO: 1.49) (BU: 1.78) (overall: 1.55)

AF IP: (bb: 1.56) (ep: 3.26) (HJ: 3.03) (CO: 2.38) (BU: 2.51) (overall: 2.41)

AF OOP: (sb: 3.86) (bb: 1.9) (ep: 2.82) (HJ: 2.94) (CO: 2.94) (overall: 2.69)

Tcallas 7 years, 2 months ago

I'm no expert but the fact your WWSF is 52 and your blue line is negative leads me to believe you are being a bit bluffy/aggro. Not sure thats the best strategy when the average micro player has a lot of problems finding the fold button.

BigFiszh 7 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, had the same first impression - but the W$SD is pretty high as well - which means, if he went to showdown, he (most) often had the goods. The blue line were possible if he went to showdown cheaply with mediocre or even strong hands and built big pots (by bluffing) with weak hands.

@OP: Is that a tendency you might find yourself attached to?

d5t6y7 7 years, 2 months ago

In my 25nl sample, a significant cause for the poor blue line was spazzing out in awful spots. At 16 nl, I tried to avoid that for the most part

UCBananaboy 7 years, 2 months ago

A common mistake that people make is that they join a site like RIO and only use it for the videos. Sure, the videos are one of the core products of the site, but the COMMUNITY is a huge aspect to growth and improvement as well.

With that said, make it a requirement to yourself that you find 3-5 hands after every session and post on the forums for feedback. They can be big pots or even small pots that made you scratch your head with confusion. Don't feel like there are any dumb questions and do not be afraid to ASK.

That is the best way to kick your old habits and to get some real feedback on areas that you might think you are playing well, but in reality, are not. The feedback will probably be very eye-opening and accelerate your learning curve exponentially.

Andreas Nyberg 7 years, 2 months ago

Different reasons can lead to high WWSF. One important reason could be calling too many raises. When your WWSF is over 50 and AF lower than 3 than you might not be too bluffy at all but you might be a station. Important stats are: Fold to Cbet, Fold Cbet to raise, Cbet (all for F/T/R). You still can have a high W$SD when you fold the river/turn often because you get there with too many weak hands.
Simply put: You probably bet and/or call too often on Flop/Turn

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