Need Help!

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Posted by posted in Low Stakes

Need Help!

Hey guys,
I really need help with my NL5 stats.
I've played over 5000 hands, all of them at NL5 and actually I'm at -24$.
One day I make a decent profit by good run, good opportunities, successful bluffs and sometimes big luck. And another day I'm facing lot of bad beats, my decisions are poor and my bluffs won't pass. Sometimes I'm just break even but in the end I'm in minus. I really think I'm not a bad player, I'm just sometimes really tricky and fancy, overbeting hands that are not nuts and getting really pointless bad beats by Ukraine fishes.
I'd like to ask; is that normal? Is it downswing? Am I just bad? Do I need more studying? Should I just play and look at stats after more games?
I'm really not tilted by that, but I love this game and I seriously want to be successful at my limits. Thanks for help.

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