MPTK OOP bvb on a dry Khigh flop/turn. 100nl

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MPTK OOP bvb on a dry Khigh flop/turn. 100nl

.wt_rel td {font-weight: bold;}.hheader { font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-size : 13px; color: black;}.wt_hh1{ font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-size : 12px; color: black; }.wt_h2{ font-variant: small-caps; font-size : 11px; color: black; }.wt_t1{ font-size : 11px; color: black; background-color: #eeeeee; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 4px; border:1px solid #DDDDFF;}.wt_blue {color:blue}.weaktight_hand {font-size: 11px;}.wt_ul {list-style:none;}€0.50/€1 No Limit Holdem • 5 PlayersGenerated by€88.71CO€98.15BTN€106.47WM2K (SB)€100.50BB€113.50 Pre-Flop (€1.50, 5 players)Hero is SB 3 folds, WM2K raises to €3, BB calls €3 Flop (€6, 2 players) WM2K bets €4, BB calls €4 Turn (€13.30, 2 players) WM2K (€93.5)?

Villain is a reg but I don t know a ton about him. Folding to steal ~70% and 3 betting ~`10% in this spot. Theres a good chance that he s wider vs me though as I attack this spot quite relentlessly esp when I see 70% fold to steal. His fold to c bet is 7% so far but I only have 360 hands on him total so please take that with a grain of salt.

So how would you approach this spot. I d probably barrel 4x and idk KT+ at least. I ll have every suited K here and probably down to K8o or K7o. I ll probably barrel 57s and maybe 87s as well. This hand seems right in that crappy middle of my range. How do you play this turn?


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drunkkiller 12 years ago
c/c turn is for sure +ev but it makes hard to play the river .
If i were the villain and you would bet the turn i will give you credit because turn 4 isn't a bluff card so you should have a strong range .So if you bet the turn it will be mostly for bluff .

I think i'm gonna go with the c/c turn because if you bet with all your made hands and check with air it will be very easy for him .
efas 12 years ago
i would probably barrel this turn with intention of betting river on T J Q A 6, any heart - to fold all his one pair hands < K, and his floats that still have equity vs us, and might 2barrel bluff us from our hand or just make the best hand on river.
WM2K 12 years ago
.wt_rel td {font-weight: bold;}.hheader { font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-size : 13px; color: black;}.wt_hh1{ font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-size : 12px; color: black; }.wt_h2{ font-variant: small-caps; font-size : 11px; color: black; }.wt_t1{ font-size : 11px; color: black; background-color: #eeeeee; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 4px; border:1px solid #DDDDFF;}.wt_blue {color:blue}.weaktight_hand {font-size: 11px;}.wt_ul {list-style:none;}€0.50/€1 No Limit Holdem • 5 PlayersGenerated by€88.71CO€98.15BTN€106.47WM2K (SB)€100.50BB€113.50
  • Pre-Flop (€1.50, 5 players)Hero is SB
3 folds, WM2K raises to €3, BB calls €3
  • Flop (€6, 2 players)
WM2K bets €4, BB calls €4
  • Turn (€13.30, 2 players)
WM2K checks, BB bets €10.35, WM2K calls €10.35
  • River (€33, 2 players)
WM2K checks, BB bets €24.69, €24.69 to WM2K (€83.15)?

Ok I kinda sorta agree with the c/c although I do think its dicey as villain can just go to town on us with bluffs/value bets and its tough to predict frequencies. So heres the rest. Call or fold?
efas 12 years ago
you should have known the answer before making a turn call i guess :)
James Hudson 12 years ago
I would guess 6x is the bottom of your turn calling range with some weak Kx, and mid pairs thrown in there so you can probably just check fold river from a range perspective. From an exploitative viewpoint it's a tough spot due to villain's fold to cbet being so low and also due to the fact that the queen on the river allows him to comfortably value bet any king. I think it's a spot where I find a fold regardless but what's really important in this spot is knowing where you're at in your own range.
BigFiszh 12 years ago
As I´d expect our 2nd barrel to get quite a bunch of calls, most likely leaving us with an awkward river decision, I guess there are only three viable options that please me:

1) x/r turn
2) x/c turn, x/shove most rivers
3) x/f turn

In general I have no problem with x/f turn. There are not many good rivers for us, we´re repping not much strength when x/c the turn and we might even get a freecard against middle pairs in Villains range. Readless I guess it might be the best option.

x/r turn, as mentioned, does not rep much, but what is Villain able to do against? I´d expect him to float ultrawide on this board, so say, he has JTcc - what is he going to do - once we x/r him? He probably thinks "meh this guy is full of shit, but I´m even more full of it" - and folds.

x/c turn, x/shove river is probably the funniest of all options. We take advantage of all his floats and we might even get him to fold some TP-hands. The Q makes his value-range even smaller. The downside obviously is that we might lose against some middle-pair-type hands that simply bet the turn for thin value / protection.
Juan Copani 12 years ago
1) x/r turn

I don´t get the goal doing a c/r, and i don´t think that all regs will fold a flush draw in a blind war situation. People tend to play more spewy than he normally do. If u c/r the turn, i see a c/c river more than a c/f.

2) x/c x/shove

How unbalanced is that ? I see him fold all the hands that we were already beating, stack us with 4x, and giving him a situation with Kx when sometimes he will fold, and sometimes he will call. I don´t expect a 100% folds of Kx, like i sayd people tend to be very spewy in blind wars, regs knows that, and , and could call with Kx.

3) c/f turn

How explotable is fold MPTK in this turn when he is doing like a mandatory float in that board ?
BigFiszh 12 years ago
None of my plays obv. were GTO-based, it´s more an exploitative approach of how I think most players will play. Regarding 3) you´re probably right, I assumed we have enough hands in our continuing range that we could afford to fold, but that doesn´t seem to be the case.

Regarding 1) I don´t expect him to fold a flush draw, but for every flush draw he has a bunch of air-type hands he could use to bluff us off our hand on later streets. So I´m fine with folding out those hands.

And 2) - I can´t see how that should be unbalanced? KQ, AK and KK are non-zero-% part of my range - so, good luck with snapping me when I take the x/c, x/shove-line. ;) And if you say "him fold all the hands we were already beating", that means you don´t see him folding anything better? You must be kidding, right? Some rare time he has 4x, many times he has 77-99, Kx, Qx and what not.
Skyzoph 12 years ago
Although his fold to turn cbet would help us, i dont really know where's the problem to do a 2nd barred in this turn against a guy who has a 7% fold to cbet,

I dont put him in a 4X hand 'cause of his fold to steal, so this 4 on turn change nothing. IMO, If we check this turn its only to ch-raise it.

PS. I know this game only since 2 months, so I'm a noob. Plz, dont make fun of my opinions, now that my goal isnt obv tell u the correct way to play but try to improve when you tell me why my strategy is wrong.
efas 12 years ago
The worst thing you can do vs a floater is bet one time, and x/f turn or x/c turn and x/f river unless you really know he don't have the guts to fire second barrel when your range is weak.
Don't really like x/r turn, because board paired, we don't rep much - he can make hero calls. Much rather x/r here with a hand like KQ.
And having A hearts still helps us - so i'm leaning towards betting turn, and river.

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