MPTK OOP bvb on a dry Khigh flop/turn. 100nl
Posted by WM2K
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Low Stakes
MPTK OOP bvb on a dry Khigh flop/turn. 100nl

Villain is a reg but I don t know a ton about him. Folding to steal ~70% and 3 betting ~`10% in this spot. Theres a good chance that he s wider vs me though as I attack this spot quite relentlessly esp when I see 70% fold to steal. His fold to c bet is 7% so far but I only have 360 hands on him total so please take that with a grain of salt.
So how would you approach this spot. I d probably barrel 4x and idk KT+ at least. I ll have every suited K here and probably down to K8o or K7o. I ll probably barrel 57s and maybe 87s as well. This hand seems right in that crappy middle of my range. How do you play this turn?
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If i were the villain and you would bet the turn i will give you credit because turn 4 isn't a bluff card so you should have a strong range .So if you bet the turn it will be mostly for bluff .
I think i'm gonna go with the c/c turn because if you bet with all your made hands and check with air it will be very easy for him .
- Pre-Flop (€1.50, 5 players)Hero is SB

3 folds, WM2K raises to €3, BB calls €3- Flop (€6, 2 players)

WM2K bets €4, BB calls €4- Turn (€13.30, 2 players)

WM2K checks, BB bets €10.35, WM2K calls €10.35- River (€33, 2 players)

WM2K checks, BB bets €24.69, €24.69 to WM2K (€83.15)?Ok I kinda sorta agree with the c/c although I do think its dicey as villain can just go to town on us with bluffs/value bets and its tough to predict frequencies. So heres the rest. Call or fold?
1) x/r turn
2) x/c turn, x/shove most rivers
3) x/f turn
In general I have no problem with x/f turn. There are not many good rivers for us, we´re repping not much strength when x/c the turn and we might even get a freecard against middle pairs in Villains range. Readless I guess it might be the best option.
x/r turn, as mentioned, does not rep much, but what is Villain able to do against? I´d expect him to float ultrawide on this board, so say, he has JTcc - what is he going to do - once we x/r him? He probably thinks "meh this guy is full of shit, but I´m even more full of it" - and folds.
x/c turn, x/shove river is probably the funniest of all options. We take advantage of all his floats and we might even get him to fold some TP-hands. The Q makes his value-range even smaller. The downside obviously is that we might lose against some middle-pair-type hands that simply bet the turn for thin value / protection.
I don´t get the goal doing a c/r, and i don´t think that all regs will fold a flush draw in a blind war situation. People tend to play more spewy than he normally do. If u c/r the turn, i see a c/c river more than a c/f.
2) x/c x/shove
How unbalanced is that ? I see him fold all the hands that we were already beating, stack us with 4x, and giving him a situation with Kx when sometimes he will fold, and sometimes he will call. I don´t expect a 100% folds of Kx, like i sayd people tend to be very spewy in blind wars, regs knows that, and , and could call with Kx.
3) c/f turn
How explotable is fold MPTK in this turn when he is doing like a mandatory float in that board ?
Regarding 1) I don´t expect him to fold a flush draw, but for every flush draw he has a bunch of air-type hands he could use to bluff us off our hand on later streets. So I´m fine with folding out those hands.
And 2) - I can´t see how that should be unbalanced? KQ, AK and KK are non-zero-% part of my range - so, good luck with snapping me when I take the x/c, x/shove-line. ;) And if you say "him fold all the hands we were already beating", that means you don´t see him folding anything better? You must be kidding, right? Some rare time he has 4x, many times he has 77-99, Kx, Qx and what not.
I dont put him in a 4X hand 'cause of his fold to steal, so this 4 on turn change nothing. IMO, If we check this turn its only to ch-raise it.
PS. I know this game only since 2 months, so I'm a noob. Plz, dont make fun of my opinions, now that my goal isnt obv tell u the correct way to play but try to improve when you tell me why my strategy is wrong.
Don't really like x/r turn, because board paired, we don't rep much - he can make hero calls. Much rather x/r here with a hand like KQ.
And having A hearts still helps us - so i'm leaning towards betting turn, and river.
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