Modeling ranges

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Modeling ranges

I would like to ask how we should modify our 3bet/4bet/5bet ranges if we know our opponents tendencies. I use 50/50 value/bluff ratios in my pre-defined 3bet and 4bet ranges (by bluff I mean I will fold vs next raise, by value I mean I will continue by reraise or call vs next raise).
So lets assume we are in BB and BU opens. My standard 3bet: value (99+, AJs+, KQs, AJo+, KQo) (J4s-J2s, T5s-T2s, 95s-92s, 85s-82s, 74s-72s, 63s-62s, 53s-52s, 42s+, 32s). So how should we modify it if our opponents fold 30%,40%,50%,60%,70% in that spot? If he folds only 30%, changing 50/50 ratio to 30/70 ratio is reasonable?
What if we are in BU, BB 3bets us with 15% range. I would 4bet value (TT+, AKs , AKo) bluff (K8s-K7s, Q8s-Q7s, J8s-J7sA9o, KTo). So what if our opponent fold to 4bet 10%, 30%, 60%? If he folds less to 4bet we should 4bet less or just change ratios?

Thx for help

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