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Micro's small c-bet strategy proposal

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Micro's small c-bet strategy proposal

As I have experimented with smaller c-bet sizing (30-35% pot ish) in the micro stakes, especially w/ a wider range from the BTN vs blinds, I have found they rarely achieve the desired effect (of a wide c-bet often used to fold out equity). I know that the blinds will be continuing w/ a wider range vs a smaller bet sizing's + the BTN's already wide range, but It's not become rare for me to see players end up at the river w/ ridiculous hands (seemingly 100% of the range they get to the flop with), often w/ no flopped equity or SDV. I am regularly using these small c-bets in 3b pots on dry texture's, or even in a normal pot (from any position), entirely dependent on range's, board texture, and obviously how those ranges interact w/ that texture. I have also spotted micro/small stakes streamers come up against player often spazzing vs small-c-bets.

Therefore I propose the use of smaller c-bets for an entirely different purpose at the micro/small stakes. Instead of the more traditional use of folding out hands w/ equity OTF/OTT (delayed), and perhaps using the smaller sizing to exploit ranges on certain textures, and give yourself a 'good price' to take down the pot. Perhaps we can begin to extract maximum value, and exploit an overly wide continuing range, as well as to allow opponents to 'spaz'.

For example, vs a 50% pot c-bet V is continuing with 40% range, whereas vs a 33% pot c-bet, V is continuing with 75% range. To really exploit this strategy players will need a much more developed post flop ability than with the traditional c-bet (in order to optimally play turns/rivers vs such a wide range).

To further detail, I am suggesting these smaller c-bets w/ a stronger range OTF/T in order to exploit wide continuing ranges. This is as w/ a wide/light c-betting range OTF (as traditional), the suggested sizing often does not produce effective results at these stakes. Now I am not saying these sizing's cannot be used for the more traditional purpose in certain spots, as they definitely can (in-fact I recommend the use of these sizing's for both purposes, not only to exploit different spots, but to remain balanced).

Not sure if a similar strategy has been suggested in the past, just find this quite an interesting strategy, and I am further interested in how these smaller c-bet sizing's can be used effectively.

Also interested to see how players utilize these smaller c-bets in their game, and how you can potentially use them to exploit opponents (in what spots, from what positions, vs what ranges etc.)? And how do you find players react to these sizes in different spots?

P.s First time posting on this site, also created a thread on this strat/topic over at 2+2.

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