Messing up a hand - The aftermath

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Messing up a hand - The aftermath

Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players) BN: $13.62
SB: $16.00
BB: $16.89
UTG: $45.78
MP: $27.68 (Hero)
CO: $14.17
Preflop ($0.24) Hero is MP with Q J
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.48, 3 folds, BB calls $0.32
Flop ($1.16) 2 J 8
BB checks, Hero bets $0.37, BB raises to $1.44, Hero calls $1.07
Turn ($4.04) 2 J 8 3
BB bets $2.88, Hero calls $2.88
River ($9.80) 2 J 8 3 9
BB bets $12.07 and is all in, Hero calls $12.07

Hey guys,

any oppinion about my play here appreciated. I already in game thought that this hand was messed up on my part (especially regarding to the Qd-blocker), seemed ive been tilted already a bit. Following problems:

1) Due to the wet board im basically jamming any 2p+ OTT here (definetly a leak i guess)
2) That said i arrive the river here with a pretty weak range (mostly draws and single pair hands)

So i wanted to figure out, what should be my MDF here to not get barreld to dead by any other draw (naturally a lot on this board)

So i guess im comming to the river with following range (any non pair or weak pair is weighted to dd or/and cc):

flopzilla format: AA-QQ,AJs-A6s,A3s-A2s,KJs,QJs,JTs,AJo,KJo,QJo,AcKc,AcQc,Ac5c,Ad5d,Ac4c,Ad4d,KcQc,KcTc,Kc9c,Kc7c,QcTc,QdTd,Qc9c,Qd9d,Jc9c,Jd9d,Tc9c,Td9d,9c8c,9d8d

Depending on math i would need to defend arround 46 combos of this. So a straight linear defend range would look like this:

flopzilla format: AA-QQ,AJs,KJs,AJo,KJo,QcTc,QdTd,Jc9c,Jd9d,9c8c,9d8d

Would be especially be interested if you think that other candiates qualify better than these.

1)For example: I guess calling QsJh might be preffered to callin AdAc?
2) I guess my beautiful QJo combo here will never get into the callingrange, regardless how much im trying to stretch it? :)
3) Do we exploit pool (lets say up to NL50/100) the most by dont caring about MDF and simply call 2p+ here?


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