Mental Block - I wanna play but the games are full of regs so I quit
Posted by OMGxSkillzZ
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Low Stakes
Mental Block - I wanna play but the games are full of regs so I quit
Hi guys,
Today I wanna introduce you to an issue that I currently have and I'd like to hear some help from you guys that have experimented this problem.
Basically, when I open the lobby in days which aren't fridays / saturdays / sundays, the site is full of regulars: I have always thought that playing reg vs reg is unprofitable, so I quit the lobby and end up not playing poker that day.
Do you guys think this is a mental issue or am I right with my assuptions?
I understand that playing against competent players makes me a better player, but at the same time I think money will be made against fishes.
Thank you in advance.
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Just my 2 cents sir - I love regs! Because u can accumulate more history, more notes to make more solid assumptions. Exploiting regs is certainly different and harder than exploiting fish, but I think it's a shame to avoid playing just because it's a reg table. Playing against tougher players also helps us to improve.
I think in most microstakes games (z10 and z25) there are still a reasonable amount of weaker players that any reg can still be profitable, espacially if you play less tables thrn they do. You're not going to be rich in terms of short-term $ev, but you will become a better player in the long run. This is especially true if you take the time to look at spots after or do focus sessions (google this concept if you're not familiar)
Last, you can decide to split your roll between two sites, one where the learning environment is very good (like the zoompools) and sites with high rakeback and fairly soft games. Good luck
freenachos thank you, I googled something about 'focus sessions' but I found only 'focus groups' so I partially understand your answer.
Okay, maybe I should write something about my "poker career".
I used to play on Stars (NL5), but I switched to People's Poker after Stars cut the vip system.
Now I play on this site with a 50% rakeback (that's huge compared to Stars).
However, I wasn't the only reg that switched to People's...the pool is full of regs.
I like a lot playing zoom, but for some reasons that I don't know, doesn't have NL5z, it has only NL2z (I don't think it takes much sense playing that level) and NL10z (I don't wanna play out of my roll).
Pretty sure Stars has NL5 zoom.
Also, you could play regular tables and table select. It's not too difficult to get several tables with fish on them, especially for NL5.
Sorry, I wrote it fast and I lied.
Of course has NL5Z, but for some reasons, people play on NL2z and NL10z and nobody plays on NL5z.
I just checked and there's 500+ players playing. That's a lot.
I think there's a mental issue with confidence that I am sensing to which I'd advise you to work on your game. You should feel like you can hop on 5z and crush at any time of the day because there are a lot of weak players there. So maybe allocate time to studying and working on your game during the week and then play the weekends until you gain more skill/confidence.
Yes, if stakes are 10NL and lower it's a leak. Can be that you feel your skill isn't high enough for you to feel confident in your skills or you have a mental leak or something else. Games are definitely beatable and I have like 13bb/100 over 40k hands during the last 2 years at those games.
Kalupso Please tell me how to fix this mental leak.
No idea. No quick fix I guess. Gotta push yourself a little I guess.
Man, you gotta want to play the best to get better at anything. You always need to find people better than you. Lack of confidence. Take your winnings from the fishy tables and hop in with the regs and freeroll it. Find a way to play better people though. Ducking competition is not good.
Maybe on I play on and the situation is this:
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