Mdf and Pot Odds in MicroStake Games
Posted by curvafb
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Low Stakes
Mdf and Pot Odds in MicroStake Games
Hello Guys. Im microstake grinder who try to devolop my game. I haven't got any program like PIO solver or Cardrunners EV. Currently playing NL25 and i set myself goal if i crush NL25 i will buy program. Until that time i try to to somethşng with my Excel and Equilab. My question about range balancing. (Note: My site HUD not allowed so many people play with very nitty range)
1. Do i really need to balance my range in Microstake games?
So if the answe yes i have a trouble on something.
2. 100bb eff. BT open 2,5x. Hero 3bet from SB 9x, BT calls. Flop pot 19bb i bet %50 he call. Turn pot 38bb. I bet %66 he call. River i bet allin %64. So my River bluff ratio must be %28 acording to pot odds. And Turn %48, River %63. In microstake games can i use that ratios? Can i bluff River pots like this ratio? I think microstake hero call much more on the turn and river so can i drop that bluff ratios? If i drop whats is the good ratio acording to that sample?
3. Same question other side. Im on BTN now and i usually open 2x. If SB 3bet me and choose %50 flop, %66 turn and river allin bet sizes %94. My MDF(Minimum defence freq.) %66 flop, %60 turn and %52 river. Can i call that light? If i cant whats the good calling and folding ratios acording to that question?
Hope you guys help me about that topic. If i learn your thoughts i can do that idea to my all game. Ty. (Sorry for my English)
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1) No, you want to maximize your EV and simplify your strategy in a way that allows you to gain most of the EV while not commiting too many mistakes due to the complexity of the game.
2) Forget the ratios. Well, do not forget them but rather forget the idea of religiously trying to execute a strategy that follows those exact ratios. Like in the first point, you want to maximize your EV. Therefore you want to drop your bluffing ratios if people are calling too much. Obviously.
3) Again, forget the ratios. And as a side note, it's not as simple as following a MDF on the flop and on the turn, it's more complicated than that. On the river MDF is an accurate way of thinking about it when we're looking at it from a theoretical angle.
Thumbs up!
Do you want to know what it is?
The GTO paranoia is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very thread. You can see it when you look at your post, or when you look at other posts. You can feel it when you open tables, when you go to forums, when you join skype groups. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
What truth?
That you are a human being, curvafb. Like everyone one else, you were born in such a way that you can't perform like a machine. And GTO is an utopy that you can't smell, taste, or touch. A prison, for your mind.
Unfortunetely, no one can be told that they shouldn't play GTO. You have to see it for yourself.
This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back.
You take the blue pill, the story ends , you wake up in your chair and believe whatever GTO paranoia you want to believe.
You take the red pill, you stay in the real world, and I show you how deep the exploitative framework goes.
All I'm offering is the truth, nothing more.
Nice one!
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