Max exploitative and leak busting training software based off free content like hand histories and stats
Posted by grand_ua
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Mid Stakes
Max exploitative and leak busting training software based off free content like hand histories and stats
Is anyone interested in utilizing their own free content like hand history and stats for exploitative strategy and leak busting training software?
Idea in details:
Personally I am interested in all of the next 3 use cases:
1. Leak busting: Interactive re-player software where I import my own hands that I played incorrectly (using PokerSnowie blunders for instance). I should have to press buttons just like in a real game, and be able to provide a correct decision for a hand that I played incorrectly.
2. Learn by copying strategy from the best regs based on my observed hand history. This is similar as in # 1, but it should be based off my observed hand history.
3. Learn the maximum exploitative strategy based strictly on a mass database analysis of a combination of line, board and player type. We will need an interactive re-player here also, but it should be driven by stats collected for board texture, player type and line combination.
My impression so far is that training software for any these use cases is not available on the market yet.
I would like to know if my impression is correct, or there is anything available already.
If nothing is available, I would like to understand why that is the case, and find partners to build it (I am a software developer).
I also would like to understand if anyone else is interested in training software for any of those 3 use cases, or it is just me.
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