Maths about building our 4betting range
Posted by Jiibi
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Low Stakes
Maths about building our 4betting range
Hi guys, I know this is kind of easy maths and I did this many times but I checked my 4betting range today (for the first time in a long time) and now I have doubt about some of my calculations, and I don't want to be wrong about this given how often the spot happens
Let's say we're in CO and BU 3bets us
CO opens 2.5, BU 3bets 7.5, CO 4bets 19, BU shove
We want to prevent BU from shoving light (with 32% equity against our 4b/calling range) and winning money, we want to make BU EV0 in this spot.
(I chose 32% equity because it's the equity of a pocket pair against JJ+ AK)
When CO folds : BU wins 7.5+19+1.5 = +28
When CO calls : BU wins 200 32% of time and lose 100 68% of time = -36
So BU is risking 36 to win 28 : 36/(28+36) = 56%
So we have to 4b/call 44% to make BU indifferent between shoving TT and folding, right ?
Thx for taking the time to answer me !
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Are you assuming BU shoves TT vs CO? I would probably do that on SB with AQ, TT but on BU that I have position I rather do it AK, JJ+, not sure if that affects your maths but my two cents
Well I'm talking about a shove "light", if CO can have a +EV shove with AK JJ+ vs BU that doesn't really matter I guess, there are just few hands, but what's important is to prevent CO to have a +EV shove with a lot of hands like poket pairs imo, maybe I'm wrong
Your maths is correct if you consider your opponent playing a shove or fold strategy. Once you add a flatting range it gets a bit more complicated and these days people are calling 4bets fairly often.
Thanks. Yes I totally agree but even if vilain is calling 4bet, I think we have to prevent him to make a +EV shove light.
Where I had a doubt on my maths was when CO calls the BU shove, BU will win (2000,32) - (100), or (2000,32) - (92,5) ?
Because he is actually risking 92,5 as he already 3bet 7,5
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