Magnus Carlsen is deliberately making -EV plays in order to take his opponent into unfamiliar areas of the game tree.

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Magnus Carlsen is deliberately making -EV plays in order to take his opponent into unfamiliar areas of the game tree.

Apologies for posting in the HSNL forum, but I thought this was interesting in the light of the latest Uri Peleg video.

Uri talks about how at HSNL there is much more raising in 3bet pots than PIO would suggest, and I read the link below just after, and thought it seems relevant.

Apparently Magus Carlsen is better than ever after studying the chess equivalent of PIO and using it not to perfect a GTO style, but to do the opposite. If I understand it correctly he is sacrificing a large % of his EV in order to bring opponents into a situation he has studied which they haven't, because it deviates wildly from "GTO".

Would love to hear some thoughts about how this applies to poker.

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