Low Stakes 6 Max SNG - ICMizer
Posted by flapface
Posted by flapface posted in Low Stakes
Low Stakes 6 Max SNG - ICMizer
Evening All,
I have been playing poker for many years now, recreationally, but this year I thought I would put some time in on the 6 max SNG's (low stakes) and see if I can grind out some wins.
I have played around 200 games and for the first 80 games I was up 20 buyin's and after the last 120 games I am now down a total of 20 buyin's.
I review all my sessions with ICMizer and I rarely have any "red" mistakes according to the software (around 4% of all hands played).
Is there anything else I should be looking at? Does anyone use any reports etc to find weaknesses? I feel like I am playing reasonable poker and want to understand why my game is trending downwards. I understand I need to hit around 2000 games for a decent sample size. Should I just keep grinding out until the 2000 mark?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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