Love this exploit
Posted by EditBay
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Mid Stakes
Love this exploit
Maybe you know this spot.
Absolutely print money on Ignition 1/2 zone when a short stacked player (very often half-stack) leads a flop like J73ss for half pot or so and I have top pair/top kicker or better. I just immediately jam. They almost always have a weak top pair and call off because of the draws available. An exploit so reliable I cash a pot like this almost once a session. My thinking is these are recreational players who take a shot at the "big game" but don't want to risk a full stack. They want to double-up and make more in one hand than they would playing .10/.25 for hours, so when they get top pair they start to fall in love with their hand, think the regulars might be trying to push them around, and panic call off because the time bank is expiring.
I don't think I've ever run into a draw or a set in these situations because this player type likes to play their draws passively and slow play/check raise their biggest hands.
Good luck out there.
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