Lost Value Pre Flop Showing Huge Strength ?
Posted by AggroShooter
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Lost Value Pre Flop Showing Huge Strength ?
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $20.64
SB: $31.96 (Hero)
BB: $27.36
UTG: $33.93
MP: $30.17
CO: $25.00
SB: $31.96 (Hero)
BB: $27.36
UTG: $33.93
MP: $30.17
CO: $25.00
UTG is a lag reg, he opens 20% UTG and fold vs 3bets in general 60%.
MP is a TAG reg, vs UTG RFI he raise only 3% of hands.
If a 4bet I'm repping a very narrow range, probably only AA or KK, since QQ would flat in this spot IMHO. At the same time MP could not find a fold with QQ and AK, so maybe my 4bet could be called. What about just calling preflop? The fact that we are a little deep than normal affect our strategy?
MP is a TAG reg, vs UTG RFI he raise only 3% of hands.
If a 4bet I'm repping a very narrow range, probably only AA or KK, since QQ would flat in this spot IMHO. At the same time MP could not find a fold with QQ and AK, so maybe my 4bet could be called. What about just calling preflop? The fact that we are a little deep than normal affect our strategy?
Hero is SB with
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I think yes.
I prefer to call than raise, because raise will show great value and we will expel AK, AQ, JJ because the players are reg. QQ will play flat call. Maybe AKs flat call. But we have two K.
KK is premium hand and we can flat call OOP sometimes.
I think this.
Some general comments about cold 4-betting:
To overcome that feeling that your 4B range is face-up, figure out a proper bluffing frequency and the "huge strength" dilemma vanishes. If you think KK can be 4B for value here, it's not difficult to build a bluffing range around KK+.
Cold 4-bets get a tremendous amount of respect, and with these particular seats involved, even more so. Your cold 4B range should be tight here, sure, but you should still bluff if you have a 4B range at all, and your bluffs are happy to see them fold AKo (should they fold it), AQ, JJ and anything worse than those.
I think we can assume the average cold 4-bet range is underbluffing in your pool (assumptive, but I think most players would feel uncomfortable bluffing in that spot at all). If that's the case, perhaps ignoring the loose'ish opener and figuring out a proper 4B range HU vs the 3-bettor would be a good model.
You'd then end up with more bluffs than what's proper vs two active opponents (BB can be safely ignored, since he would be suicidal to get it in with anything but AA, and we can be extremely confident he will never bluff), but that model flaw might accidentally be a good exploit. Having the whole situation starting out with a loose'ish open helps.
In my opinion, cold calling a 3B OOP gives away more information than 4-betting with a proper amounts of bluffs.
Solid thoughts in your post for sure and now a naive question
When you said model you are talking find equilibrium using a solver or just build a range to take advantage of the likely FE we have preflop? Not sure because Villain might flat with some hands so I don't know how much useful could be a preflop model
Ty in advance
You can use a pre flop Nash solver (limited to HU scenarios) and make a crude model of ignoring BB (rather safe) and the opener (weakest assumption in the model) and calculate a cold 4-betting range HU vs the 3-bettor. You'd have to make an assumption about the 3-bettor's range.
Or you can use a pseudo-Nash (as in, Nash for pre flop jam/fold spots but does not take future post flop play into account when there is money left to play for) solver like HoldemResources Calculator, make assumptions about opener's and 3-bettor's ranges and you'll get a 4B range using the check down model (when you get called, there is no betting post flop). What this model would tell you is what is sound to stack off with, and what would be a reasonable bluffing frequency.
Since it uses the check down approximation, this model will overvalue raw pre flop equity, but it should give you a pretty good idea about stack off range and how much you should bluff. And it does recognise the presence of the BB and the opener.
I'd use the 2nd approach and make a quick and dirty model with HRC to see what is reasonable to do.
^^ Ty a lot, gonna take a look at HoldemResource Calculator first
Just to know, I made a population study, they 4bet wider than I thought (pure value made by QQ+,AK). Probably, some short stack influenced the results, maybe I should filter even more, anyway...
DB: 1,2 M hands
Spot: UTG raises, MP 3bets, Someone else has to decide, No hero stats (total instaces: 13640)
Filtering down more to exclude most random fishes (at least 10 opportunities to do something against UTG raiser and MP 3bettor) I got
The 4bet % is the same, probably fishes call wide, so that's wide there's a difference between call % and fold %
Those are surprising numbers. Regular tables?
Yep regular tables.
Did you expect other frequencies? it isn't a .com site, it is a segregated pool
Definitely expected other frequencies. A cold 4-bet range of > 4% vs UTG open + MP 3B sounds more like a reasonable MP 3-bet range vs UTG with 4 players left to act (when MP also has a flatting range, which ties up a lot of his linear hands and limits how wide he can 3B).
For reference, when BB finds himself heads-up with a 16-17% UTG opener, the Nash solution is to 3B around 5.5% (Pio pre flop sims). Nash pre flop ranges are rather loose-aggressive (for example, 21% 3B for BB vs 45% SB open), so it's strange to see a micro pool cold 4B close to what a Nash BB player would 3B.
Are you sure you filtered away UTG's 4-bets and got only the ones from players who have not yet acted?
Just to make sure I'm getting it right, the pool is cold 4betting wider? I mean, if you expect a MP 3bet range of 4% vs UTG, a someone else 4bet range should be even lower...
I have to double check, maybe UTG 4bets are included when a player cold calls, I'm going to check it out and update you
Just to clear up any confusion, I expected the cold 4B% to be tighter. :-)
Double checked and tweaked the filter in order to exclude completely UTG's 4bet, my filter is showing hands where:
; UTG raises, MP 3bets
; UTG VPIP, MP VPIP, UTG NOT VPIP (when all folds to)
; UTG raises, MP 3bets, UTG doesn't 4bet ever
3.5% is more reasonable, but do these numbers say that the players behind are calling MP's 3-bets cold 15% of the time? Or am I misunderstanding something? :-)
What is the MP 3B%, since we're at it?
That value include all calls, and for instance, if BTN calls and UTG calls, it would be count
The number below instead is only showing when UTG opens, MP 3bets and CO or BTN or SB or BB calls
Interesting play. I have two thoughts on this, and don't know which factor is the dominant one.
Firstly, as both players are aggressive, you are likely to get two or streets of value by just check-calling. If you raise preflop you most likely only pick up te current pot.
Secondly, you don't thin the field. You allow the LAG to call and see a flop with a wider range of hands. He could call with suited connectors for example. It will be hard to put him on a range, and you will be in a tough spot when he starts ahowinh aggression.
I honestly find it hard to say which factor is mote important. Im going to take a good look at the hand this weekend!
I'm glad you posted this hand. So far, I always raised KK no matter what (unless maybe when there's a maniac behind me). Never thought about calling in certain situations.
Since I'm fearing monster under the bed, I would be more inclined to raise because when the flop is XXXss I hate life, but this way of thinking shows how behind I am.
I also think, in general, if one of those have a hand, they can't find a fold, at least pre. So my 4bet would be for pure value.
I think in order to get a better understanding of the spot, specifically vs my pool, I should perform a population study, later on I post the results for my DB (which have 1,2M on Hero)
Pool stats (1,2M hands):
Spot: UTG opens, MP 3bets, Someone 4Bets, No Hero Stats (total instances 1930)
Stat below shows UTG and MP combined frequecies
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