Losing my mind! PokerBros is rigged beyond belief
Posted by RunItTw1ce
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Low Stakes
Losing my mind! PokerBros is rigged beyond belief
I say this as a winning player / crusher on this site. Not someone just complaining as a losing player. This is my experience from playing on multiple sites / apps. Pokerbros is the most rigged site i've ever seen in my life.
On the App Pokerbros for the past 3 days I have had QQ vs AA or KK vs AA in the blinds, set over set, straight vs full house, 2 pair vs set, full house vs quads. Every fucking session is the same shit. Getting super annoyed. I am even going back through Eliot's course on A-Game master class trying to make sense of it all and think logically. But Jesus Christ so much bull shit on this site. I am on another club as well, and only see about 10% of the bull shit I see on Pokerbros. As an American, I don't have very many options and mostly have been playing on pokerbros because of the rake back. I was beating it pretty consistently for a while, but it's like a fucking doom switch went off. Maybe some minor leaks in my game, but unless I start folding QQ, KK, AK preflop IDK what else to do. It's not even vs EP / MP formations; its mostly late formations, so money is supposed to go in.
Example last hand of the session that made me just rage quit all my tables.
Hero MP 9h8h $2.50
Co $7
Hero calls HU
Flop ($15.5) J 9 7r
check x2
Turn ($15.50) J97Jr
check x2
River ($15.50) J97JJ
Hero $10.33
Co $34
Hero calls
Co shows KJo.
Snowie has this hand as -0.06 EV preflop and -8.7 EV vs a river raise. I guess snowie knows people are not bluffing in this spot and just gotta fold one of your best bluff catchers?
Who the fuck plays like this and just gets a perfect run out where I can't fold? forced to basically bluff catch because it doesn't make much sense. So many fucking hands are like this. At first I thought it was my sleep, eating habits, exercise, etc all the performance stuff Eliot speaks of. Start sleeping more, eating more salads, daily runs / work outs, etc. But no it's just this fucking site rigging the action for more fucking rake. Pathetic ass company. Only playing on avg about 1300 hands a day. I shouldn't have QQ / KK vs AA in the blinds 3 fucking times a session. Set over set etc.
I checked my equity when all in and the site is legit when money is all in, you record is true to you equity. But the amount of fucking coolers is mind blowing. No other site is like this. Makes poker "fun" for the fish because of all the action. Miserable for legit poker players. Ran into quads yesterday twice and three times today. Just brutal "variance" I wanna call it, but it's most likely the site trying to circulate the money or some bull shit. I don't know any more.
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I have no experience with PokerBros. Can only play on Pokerstars.
But how likely is this variance? Does the A-game course mention anything about variance and checking it?
Did you find the course worth it?
For a while it was on sale. I actually paid full price for it ($999) because coming from a live background and playing $500+ games I was used to taking 1-3k swings pretty often. I was winning consistently, but my discipline with eating unhealthy, sleeping at like 5-8am (Gf waiting up for me all night), procrastinating etc. I had (Have!!!) a lot of detrimental leaks outside of poker that hold me back. "Fear of success" being a pretty big one. Grinding out micro / low stakes for years, scared to take a big swing at mid / high stakes (More so live). If I were to take a shot at deep stack and lose $5k playing $5/10 or something, it wouldn't really effect me, but i've always held myself back and stayed within my comfort zone, looking for easy money. I'm doing same thing online, was beating $1/2 six max decent rate, but only 11k hands or so, so tiny sample, scared of a big swing still, so I drop down levels.
If you have a bunch of level issues A-game master class is a "performance" program to help you build discipline on daily life task such as keeping a scheduling and planning out your day, week, month, or even year. I mean i've heard it all before and listen to the course while i'm grinding several times over. The first time though the course, did 100% focus on just listening / watching the video taking notes etc. I still feel tilted quite often, so I often have the course playing in the background. I think it's Eliot's calming voice that helps me stay focused on my session and not punt. Self talk is a big part of the course that helped me quite a bit. Pretend like i'm coaching myself and what would I tell myself in certain spots.
I would say it helped me quite a bit, but I still have almost all the same issues. I'm just more educated and aware of them. I think when the price was like $300, it was more worth it. I am not sure what the price is now actually. That would be the price tag I put on it. I was willing to pay $1k for it before because I was playing $500 games, so if it meant me saving 2 buy-in it paid for itself. Grinding 100NL online mostly, I wouldn't want to pay $1k for it today. Biggest tip I can give you is just write down everything you want to do. Similar to your blog and just keep writing things down every day that you're going to do. Hope this helps... bit of a rant.
I bought the course during the sale and it was absolutely worth it. I have seen some improvement in my ability to avoid tilt or stop playing when it creeps in.
But more surprisingly it has helped a ton elsewhere in my life. There are exercises that get you to really focus in on what you value in life and work towards living those values. Immensely helpful for me and has improved my relationship with my wife, with my friends, my performance at work, and my performance at the poker table.
Oh and I haven’t even finished the course yet!
Heared other ppl complaining about this site, too. Didnt find anything via search so maybe it was at 2p2.
But variance might be a thing often. Im on a decent downswing as well for some weeks already, playing at stars as well. It feels pretty rigged often, too. But i guessd stars is trustworth.
It's not even a downswing for me really. I guess I can screen shot my graph without showing the profits, i'm very consistent with all my sessions, it's just these constant coolers eating away at what would be a ton more profit! Like this week I didn't play very much, just 3500 hands on this app and +$47. This is like my worst week i've had. The tilt is coming from the types of hands I am losing. If I get KK vs AA once in a while, ok I understand. Set vs flush draw, they catch their flush 1 out of 3 times, ok I understand. This week though, I would flop a straight or set and they have top pair drawing near dead, and get runner runner boat or back door flush etc. I have a friend who plays PLO, was crushing pokerbros for around 20k first 10 days playing 100PLO or 200PLO. Then it's just like a switch went off and hit 12k downswing. Mean while, he was still crushing other apps. I play NL on another app Pokerrrr where he plays PLO. he is crushing on there almost every day, but can't seem to win a single session on pokerbros. It's strange that it is literally the only site he struggles on. Say you have 99 and you get 3 bet, ok you end up calling, you can basically predict the flop comes 8 high or lower about 75% of the time. The site wants both players to have an over pair, so neither player can fold and the rake increases. Or the amount of times I raise KT/K9 on the button and flop comes Kxx and I check back to protect my range, only to see Ace on the turn and BB has like A7o, just so a little bit more money goes into the pot. It's sick how many turn cards bring combo draws that create a ton of action for both players. One thing that makes me lose a lot of money, where I haven't found the fold button very often is when I have like AdAh on Kd 7x 4d 2d 9c board and i'm facing 2 or 3 large bets. It's like I know they have a flush, but I have a blocker... I always ask myself, I have nut blocker, why are they betting big? It's like they know the site is rigged as well, where I have to call with my blocker and they are used to seeing it.
I wish this site allowed you to pull hand histories and data mine. They would be exposed like crazy. Some times i'll be playing 8 tables and have AA on 3 different tables and AK on two other tables. Just dealing a ton of action. The players are so used to just coolering people, they basically (at least the 100NL regs) are now playing I would guess 18 vpips? Just waiting for the next cooler. They don't even have to be balanced or worry about bluffing frequencies because they know both players will have something to bet or call with. At least this is how I feel about the site. Played millions of hands in my life time, i've never seen anything like it.
Anyways going on some stupid rants on this thread. I need to get some sleep. Check back in tomorrow as usual.
Good night.
3500 hands and showing a profit in your worst week? 25k breakeven stretches are nothing. Focus on what you can control, like playing your best, putting in work away from the tables, and keep at it.
It's not a variance thing that i'm bitching about. It's not a downswing or break even stretch. My bankroll is still growing. It's just the amount of coolers that happen every 5 minutes on there and it's not just me either, every player has the same issue. The amount of QQ vs AA or straight vs flush, 2 pair vs set, flush over flush, full house over full house, etc. It's not normal to have this many "coolers" / set up hands in a single session and this has been going on for months now since I joined. I am exploiting it by lowering my cbet % and bluffing way less because they always seem to have a hand / bluff catcher. I have to pot control more over pairs and basically try and wait for safe run outs. I can comfortably fold AKo preflop without even thinking twice about it because their range is basically KK+ AKs when I face a 4 bet / 5 bet.
I am saying I shouldn't have to fold AKo, QQ, sets, small flushes, etc to be a winning player on this site. The other club I am in, i've had KK vs AA only once the entire week, its just one table full ring in which I played around 2,000 hands. Not a ton of hands, but when you consider 3500 hands and the amount of coolers i've had during this small stretch, to the 1 cooler over 2000 hands, it's just absurd. Again not complaining about anything financial. Just the amount of set up hands. I've played poker since 2005 and never seen anything like it. Can beat the game because USA player pool is still relatively soft.
This was the start of my month on stars. I was 12BIs. The worst (or best in hindsight) part was that I had decided to dedicate this month to fix my biggest leak of getting frustrated. I had dropped down and played only zoom to do it so while the money loss was less significant the mental challenge was hard. I managed to soldier trough it, am now up 14BI and after 10k hands of getting absolutely destroyed by variance I think I fixed that frustration leak as I managed to (mostly) keep my cool. I'm talking exactly what happened to you, set over set constantly, AA vs AA all in pre losing 2 BIs, allways having the worse of it pre with KK, not making one single flush that won OTR, all that.
Sorry for overextending on "ME ME ME", just wanted to talk about it for a while but a thread seemed excessive so I took the opportunity here :p
The point is, while it might be rigged, it's very feasible that you're really just having a shit run, keep your cool and you'll be fine (if it's not rigged ofc), put a few more thousand hands before you come to a conclusion that might make you leave a very profitable game.
I don't mind "me me me" btw. Sharing your own experience is very helpful. Graph below is my graph that I tracked for each total session. There is no tracking software on this site, so you can't track by hand. So I just track by stake / hands / profit each session. A lot of people think i'm bitching about a break even stretch or a downswing, I promise you it's non of that. Between the two clubs I am in, still up around 6 buy-in on the week ($1/$2) other club. Graph is a total of 108k hands played to date since joining the club. I'm just tired of accepting "its rigged, but it's rigged for everyone" mentality. I just want to play solid poker and not have to try and exploit a software that deals set up hands for more action. I should only have to worry about exploiting players, NOT software.
It's completely fair when it's a club to think it might be rigged. Runs like those are still unlikely and it's 100% fair to assume it is rigged and not bottom 0.1% variance when the site is not regulated or audited (by regulator or player data). Might even be more likely at a certain threshold.
The problem is really no data, we as humans tend to remember the worst stuff. When you're a winner it makes it more likely that you're more aware and in turn less likely that is memory bias, but it's still possible and without solid data to examine you can never be "sure" :/
Mudkip Basically no way to prove it is rigged for action, I just have to deal with it and try and exploit it as much as possible. Hard to argue against a non regulated site and as a human I can't prove it. People say I have not provided any evidence. I could say the same thing for the site, being the site has provided no evidence that it is not rigged either. Not even sure what I am going to get out of this discussion. Whether people agree with it or disagree with me, not much is ever going to change. I can only choose to play there or not play there. For now i'll keep playing there until I am not making money and just deal with the set up hands.
Sorry this has been happening to you, but congrats on a winning week in spite of it all !
I've heard a lot of the same stuff about PokerBros - on 2p2, as Raoul suggested, but also from some friends who play there. Tbh, i'm mixed on this. On one hand: regarding "rigged" comments, in general i feel like things are pretty tough to prove and a lot of the traditional arguments make a lot of sense - "why would a site lose long term profits chasing a few short term bucks"; "if rigged, why against you" etc, and i think it's been "verified" fwiw.
But on the other hand, as I understand it:
* the app is a bit shady and is relying on a lot of workarounds to avoid laws and taxes etc.
* is catering to rec players in need of a home game due to covid
* is pretty new to the scene
* hides the data and is therefore not transparent - if you could get data, you could "prove" by finding the likelihood within 2 st. deviations, etc...
A great analogy I heard once comparing an academic vs. a street-smart gambler: if you flip a coin 10 times and it comes up heads 10 times, in theory you should be happy to get 2-1 on tails bc you should know that it's heads 50% of the time and "streaks can happen and this is just another streak". A street-smart guy will wonder if it's a weighted coin and probably avoid the bet....
One thing I've found for mental game is that as much as I can think it over and cool off after a ridiculous session, a change of scenery is often needed and helpful. A lot of coolers in one spot and I can get tilty or gunshy (never thin value betting, or trapping bc of fear of running into yet another monster). Maybe it would make sense to go to a different site for a stretch (Ignition, ACR?) especially if there are questions about the authenticity of PB?
So I joined a 2nd club on pokerrrr outside of pokerbros only a week ago. This club made me see the "light" on how rigged pokerbros was. Pokerrrr even softer, but I am seeing more legit hands take place and less set up flops. Yes, there is still some KK vs AK and KK vs AA hands, I even lost a $1200 pot ($1/$2) KK vs AA the other night, but didn't complain because the software still seems legit to me. I understand variance mostly, or to some degree at least. I would not complain about "standard variance." It's literally just the amount of coolers are around 10-15x more than any other site. I posted my graph above for the site, so i'm not some losing player bitching about variance. I'm a clearly a solid consistent winner on the site. A lot of arguments on 2p2 that were mentioned are coming from losing players. I'm actually posting this as a "crusher" who plays on the site. Don't see this happen from winning players too often. I assure you I am more than double the win rate of any player on this forum who plays on stars. With Rake back I am probably triple or quadruple the win rate of some players on this forum. End of the day poker is about making money, so maybe I just need to suck it up and exploit the software and stay away from theory. Stop 3 betting QQ, JJ, AKo and just see more flops. Probably a good exploit rather than 3 betting and flipping or being crushed. One shouldn't have to set mine with JJ though LOL. I think people just need to play on the site to see what i'm talking about for themselves. My words sound exaggerated, but there not. Maybe if I was on a break even stretch or downswing, I could see them being exaggerated, but as a crusher.... I try and being realistic as possible in order to improve on my game. Going to try a more nitty strategy this week and see how much I can $print$ just choosing to be on the right side of coolers rather than saying AK or QQ all in preflop is standard. I'll try to only get KK+ AKs in preflop and I bet my win rate sky rockets even more.
Really, you don't say?
I (and others) have also checked things such as certain flops hitting at correct percentages and pre-flop distributions being correct.
The place isn't rigged (although like anywhere theres prolly morons trying to collude) and you've offered zero point zero evidence to suggest that it is. Instead, now there's yet another thread on the internet proclaiming a site is rigged, which certainly doesn't help the state of the game.
On top of that YOU'RE WINNING!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Correct, I am a winning player complaining about the site being rigged. I think my argument holds more weight because i'm not a losing player complaining. I have 108k hands tracked with pretty crushing results.
How are you tracking flops hitting correct % or number of KK vs AA being correct? Seems impossible to track, which is why I only tracked equity and record when i'm all in. Tracked 210 all ins where the equity and record matched almost perfectly. I would find it impossible to track flops hitting correctly or set over set being correct because most of the time you don't get to see the other persons hand. How are you supposed to track this?
Pretty hard to do with a site that doesn't allow trackers or importing hands and data is closed to the public on actual numbers right? It's not like you can pay for data population tendencies on this site.
I use DriveHud.
I'm guessing some rooms are APP only but others allow emulators to support trackers.
Except the only actual evidence you've provided (winning on the site) doesn't support your argument.
Perhaps since you're used to crushing so much (over a somewhat small sample) you're not properly prepared for the inevitable....which is losing in ways you never thought imaginable. A ~7bb/100 winner is probably going to lose over 100k hands something like 2% of the time.
You could also just stop playing on the site....but please, do us all a favor and provided some sort of tangible evidence before declaring a site RIGGED on a poker training forum that non regs might be reading. And winning at a small rate over 3k hands is not evidence.
Idk if you read my post or not, I said only played 3k hands this week. I have 108k hands tracked on the site. 108k hands is not a big sample I know and people go on 100k hand break even stretches as well. I've had 1-2 of those back in the day before black Friday as well.
So if I was a losing player, I would have a better argument? I think losing players arguments are quickly dismissed because of all the leaks in their strategy. Can you provide any evidence that the site is not rigged with your drive hud?
Let's look at KK vs AA. For six max it's suppose to happen 1 in 9768 hands. If I am playing roughly 1,000-2,000 hands a day, can you explain why I have KK vs AA at least once a day? Doesn't this defy the odds? Seems like way more action than there should be based on these stats. You can apply this across the board on this site for flush over flush, set over set, Set vs over pair, etc. The stats just do not hold true on this site or they would not mind it being regulated. I'll see how many hands I play this week and keep track of my KK vs AA hands, see if I actually have it 7 more times this week or not.
I agree that the internet is littered with bad players claiming “the game is rigged” once they stop running well.
I also think that when strong players like RIT make these claims, in general we should give a bit more credence and discuss it, especially when part of the same community - and it’s not like this is RITs first post. Fwiw, I’ve read a lot of the “OMG online poker is rigged“ / “bots are everywhere“ / “poker is dead” on 2p2, but this feels different imo.
Without players posting these sorts of thoughts or concerns, maybe Mike apostle and Ultimate Bet don’t get uncovered. Maybe PB is rigged, maybe not... let’s figure this out!?
Btw, I love the handle. THAT super bowl was rigged - like Bill Simmons says, wayyy too much holding on the helmet catch.
What stats are available on PB? I know they claim to have been verified but also that they make it tough to track hands for verification.
If the stats we’re available, I’d guess that comparing expected preflop setup hands to observed across the entire pool and then calculating a 2 standard deviation event should suffice. you’d want to only include hands that always gii preflop (kk+, maybe QQ+ from a certain position) otherwise how can you really know?
Another approach could be comparing Overall 4bet percentage to number of times Kk+ show up on 4bet pots?
Postflop seems really tough....
Without actual stats I really couldn’t get how someone could figure it out properly...
As far as my knowledge goes, there are none of these actual stats available, making it impossible to prove or disprove the site being rigged. If it was regulated, might be banned for the legal loop hole that is being taken advantage of.
It's not like ignition where you get to see your opponents cards the next day or data mine millions of hands to get population tendencies. I would LOVE TO BE WRONG about this post, I really would! I just can't get over the amount of set over set and KK vs AA or even AK vs QQ that happens in late position formations over and over again every day. I find it highly unlikely that I am wrong though, when myself or my friends that play for a living don't have this same issue with any other sites we play on. Again I would LOVE to be wrong about this and REALLY hope it's not rigged. I have nothing to gain by proving it is rigged. Would benefit me and give me a lot of confidence knowing the site is legit and would 100% keep playing on it, if that is true. I am not complaining about bots, I frankly do not care about bots. Usually there is a way to exploit them. But staying on topic, I just want to prove or disprove the site is "rigged for action."
How many hands are needed to verify the number of KK vs AA occurrences are true? I am guessing the number of hands needed is probably in the millions, a number I frankly won't reach playing regular tables for quite some time. Factor that in with which position each player is in. How many top 5% of hands BvB occurrences are there? Over the 108k hands played on this site, I have a strong feeling the site is still rigged. Not against any particular player, just rigged, so there is enough action and pots are bigger for more rake. Tracking number of times you dealt AA being 1:220 doesn't actually mean anything. Knowing you get KK vs AA once every two thousand hands in a six max game compared to actual number being closer to once every ten thousand hands, now that is saying something is off on the site. Again we need actual data to prove this.
Until the site allows people to pull millions of hands into a tracker to analyze this, it is just he said she said argument. Could this be a reason why THEY DON'T ALLOW THIS? I would think if the site knew they were legit, they would be more than happy to share this info. The fact that is hidden or not allowed, screams alarm bells!!!!
With all of that said, the site is still very profitable. It's just more about exploitation and knowing 4 bet and 5 bet ranges are like top 2-3% of hands. Can't be comfortable getting AKo or QQ in preflop very often, even in late position. There was a post, maybe a month ago where a guy playing 25NL on pokerstars I believe, showed he was losing with AK and QQ over like 200k hands when money went in preflop. Doesn't mean it's rigged, just means 4 bet ranges and calling off 5 bets are extremely narrow in this pool.
My point being I should be asking the appropriate questions to find the appropriate answers. I'll try and "tone down" the complaining and ask professional questions or answers going forward.
You can filter for certain flops to make sure they are hitting at correct percentages. You can check to see if you're getting dealt AA at the correct frequency etc....
Also, the poker world needs monitoring and I agree with you. IIRC I read a thread on here (I think) once where one of the pros was concerned about a site because his stable was winning much less than they were over a massive sample. So he gathered as much evidence as he could, did his research and presented it to the world to see.
No rigging found, but that's not the point. It's the work that went into the investigation and the hard data provided. We need more of that and less of this.
His thread title was also a tad less inflammatory. Just a tad.
Pokerbros is unlicensed and unregulated i wouldn't even light my money on fire
Lol! Runit. The site is 100% rigged. Any numbskull whos played on there that posts on here who says it isnt, literally doesnt understand the concept of poker. That being said, i am up around 40k( won the high roller mtt, super bounty, 20k and others) on the site, and will never play again. Thats because i was up 55k and lost 15k on the most god awful 2 out shit, runner runners etc. It happened over a 2 month span and granted i was playing high stakes, but the hands i lost i am not even going to explain how bad the beats were to save my breath lol. Its an action driven site. Meaning, the more action, the more money the company makes. If somebody needs me to explain the concept, just lmk lmfao. But you arent losing your mind, trust me. Ive played on bovada, full tilt, absolute, americas cardroom ( which are all rigged as fuck as well), but none of them came close to the horrible beats ive seen on pbros. That being said, the common denominator with all those sites is none of them are regulated. Aka...they can do what they want in terms of card distribution to help them make more money. Luckily Pstars is launching here in MI in a few weeks so i can take my passion elsewhere. I would just advise you to get the fuck off there to save the pain and suffering lol.
Still have a couple hundred bucks on there. Only played a few times since posting this thread. I am up a bunch on there as well. Once I toned down my aggression because of the "rigged for action" meaning less FE than normal poker, my win rate increased. Can value bet larger and expect people to have combo draws at a higher frequency. Still have a friend who plays on there for a living. Doing well, but it is very stressful dealing with it, especially when you multi table. It is still very beatable, that is not the reason we "complain" about the site. I have been playing on ignition and seems to be way more legit than BROS. Idk how Legit as I don't have a big enough sample. Also playing on poker2, some juicy clubs on there, but I think same RNG as pokerbros. Just gotta play a slightly different strategy. I think it's good for 100NL and below. I think rake is too high 200NL and above. Seems a bit greedy for the site to have high rake + rigged for action LOL.
My theory is both sites Poker2 and PokerBros were designed to be play money site and play money is supposed to be fun, so having an increase in action makes sense.
Heard some of these stats like NJ / NEV have small pools, but decent action. I really hope PS comes back to USA nationwide. Would love to play in these zoom pools.
Ya my main thing is, i shouldnt have to change my game and be scared to death to push with aa kk qq etc as much as i am due to Pbros software. But I am. Ive lost my aggression as a player due to the crazy beats i keep seeing. Once i realized this ..and 15k later ...im done lol. The site totally takes away the skill factor of the game and turns normal life donkeys into sharks. It cracks me up though that ppl still try to insist its not rigged. Lmfao. I bet those same ppl are also the ones that say Donald Trump handled the pandemic well hahahaha...clueless! 40k up over here and i will never drop a penny on that silly site.
I played 3 tables yesterday for only 2 hours and saw 4 boats and more straights than I can count on my fingers. Now it could be because people chase more but it certainly does feel unusual. Adjusted by simply calling and overlimping more, and 3 betting less, and I started hitting loads of nut hands myself. Maybe this is just the nature of playing with live poker players, but I can see why people think it's action rigged. It almost feels like run it twice is enabled permanently in the background.
Your most recent comment runittwice, sounds like you are just playing against worst players and are finally finding the adjustments(betting mbigger, bluffing less). You generally have less fold equity against inexperienced players and they also find way more passive lines, but when they open up, even if it doesn’t make sense they just have it, because they don’t understand getting value. They just want to win pots/not lose.
It honestly sounds like you have just been experiencing variance. It happens. But if you actually think it’s rigged, play elsewhere. The fact you are still playing on it makes me believe you truly don’t believe it’s rigged. Your adjustments to the “action loaded algorithm” sounds like the adjustments you make vs sticky live players.
I had a similar feeling at a time using the site global poker after crushing on ignition for years. I felt like I was getting sucked out on way harder and lots of stuff like that. But when I put my head down and really focused earlier this year, I realized that the dynamics are just different, and the pool was way more passive, so my strategies and meta game adjustments were a little off from playing on an anonymous site, and I had to find the correct readjustments.
Anyways, hope it’s not rigged, sounds like it’s not. But it is possible, and if so, why play there. If you’re winning long term it’s likely not rigged. you just gotta treat it more like live I’m guessing, as a lot of live players are on there. Snowie isn’t going to be super helpful for finding correct lines against people who play black and white. Flopzilla and range estimation is probably better for that
It's 100% rigged, no question about that. But just because it's rigged for action, doesn't mean it is not profitable. The adjustments I've made as you said it's like playing against live players. Where 3 bets are basically QQ+ and AKs and they are not stealing blinds as much as they do in normal online games or people over folding BB because they don't have 2 broadways or whatever or over defending because they are suited etc etc. all these live dynamics on how live players think are all very true. I just know for a fact in late positions you can't profitably get in JJ like BTN vs BB or even AKo doesn't ever appear to be ahead when money goes in. This is because of the pools overall 3 bet frequency, since they have a flatting range from all positions, maybe they 3 bet like 5% or something on avg. So strategy has to change based on these tendencies. However, the rigged part is how often you have like top pair + FD vs a set, flush over flush, straight over straight, KK vs AA, etc etc. I think the site even changed the bad beat from AAAJJ being beat to having to use two cards and also beaten by quads because it was hitting too often.
With that said, I know the equity holds true when the money goes in. I took hundreds of screen shots through a couple weeks of play and tracked my equity vs opponents equity a long with win rate and equity held true to math. However, not able to all hole cards, so impossible to track how often people actually have KK vs AA or set over set etc and what frequency this happens at. Basically just make money on this site, but playing nitty and accepting the fact "standard coolers" are not actually standard, so tighten up on your JJ QQ AKo region when money goes in preflop, even in late positions, don't go crazy when you make small flush or bottom set. Can tend to mostly fold 22-55, and low SCs to avoid some of these coolers. Can probably play something like 15/13/5 style and just print money from coolering people over and over again, then rake back is always nice on top of that. It's definitely an adjustment to the player's tendencies more than the actual site, but doesn't mean it is not rigged and just because a player is winning, doesn't mean it's not rigged. We are not saying it's rigged because of bad beats. As most people say, just have to play on there to see for yourself. Idk anyone who plays on there who says it's not rigged. They just accept the fact they can make money on there and that is the whole point of poker.
Anyways most of my volume these days is on ignition. Pokerbros became pretty stressful despite winning at a high rate.
It sounds like maybe your just stacking off too light against passive players and are blaming the site for being rigged. It's kinda standard to not stack off with AKo/JJ and even QQ quite often in live dynamics because people are so passive(even SB vs Bttn;
I would fold QQ to a 4B very often and no sweat against many players in my pool, just because they only 4b me with KK+). I find live spots very often where I am even folding AKo to a 3b, and confident it is correct just given the dynamics of live poker. I'm not trying to be an asshole here. That just seems more likely to me than the site being rigged. I know a couple people here in Florida who are doing quite well on it, and never mention of it being rigged. They got me curious about starting to play on it as well. I may be wrong, it might be rigged, I just don't see the incentive to do that. Maybe it could generate action, sure. But there's already quite alot of action in poker as it is. And the downside of running a rigged site is losing trust and losing it all. Just don't think it's likely. But of course it could be possible. If I thought something was rigged, I just wouldn't play on it, unless of course it was a proveable thing that I could take advantage of. Just sounds very unlikely, and maybe more likely you are struggling with results oriented thinking, which is something that can be very hard to see through at times, especially during times of variance or other things going on in life.
Well said Ryan You argument is basically the best one. All of the above could be true with result oriented thinking, over playing hands vs passive players, out side life factors etc etc. I have great results, so people say things like "Winning players shouldn't be complaining." Then when a losing player complains "you are just complaining because you play bad." Either way, not going to touch this thread in 2021. Will accept what I can control and focus on ignition mostly. Probably still play some on pokerbros, it is still plenty fishy without HUDs. It is possible to use a HUD, but limited to one table as far as I know.
Is live poker still not an option in Cali?
Ryan I moved out of Cali in October actually, but the casinos I was playing at is not open still. It opened up for like a week, then shut back down. Would have to go north, about an hour or so to play live. Currently live little under 2 hours from vegas, so next year will make some trips to vegas to play live, but 95% of my play will be focused online at the moment. Maybe if I do really well live again I'll start making weekend trips, but hotels and stuff can add up pretty quick. Heard live action is insane right now as well.
Focus on what you can controll and not on what you cant controll. If you belive the site is rigged, play elsewhere. Issue solved
I agree with focus on what you can control, but just because many people believe it is rigged, doesn't mean you shouldn't play there if your objective is to make money. Just figure out how it's rigged and players tendency and exploit it to the maximum.
What stakes do you play there?
HeavyMask In the past I was playing mostly 100NL, started at 20NL, moved to 40Nl, then 100NL pretty quickly. Most of my volume was on 100NL. Then some 200NL. I didn't go higher than this mostly because I was "afraid" of dealing with some big swings at the higher levels, but also because it's 5% with 2bb cap rake at each level higher. Where 100NL rake is capped at $4 (4bb), then $200NL capped at $6 (3bb), then $2/4 ($8 / 2bb), $3/6 ($12 (2bb), and $5/10 ($20 /2bb) so rake is kind of ridiculous at higher levels than 200NL. If i'm being honest with myself though, mostly didn't want to deal with $2k+ swings playing 400NL and higher every day. Lastly less tables available on higher levels.
Since I cashed out though, Only have $400-$500 on there for 20NL / 40NL until I build back up. Playing 100NL on ignition now and hopefully 200NL by end of January or February? Off topic but that's the plan.
PokerBros is rigged indeed...The coolers are meant to attract new players...
PokerBros is running the same platform as PPPoker.
If PokerStars / 888 / GGPoker wasn't banned in Australia, nobody would even play on this site's.
There's no point in playing. As you see - even when you're winning, you know you're being ripped off behind the scenes to keep the whales paying rake. The whole game's a confirmed p.o.s bingo rigjob. I'm done.
Im so confused. Im new to the whole pokerbros scene but i thought pokerbros was the main app and that all of those clubs being promoted all social media (facebook, IG(which btw is going to get it shut down at some point which in turn will give nobody a chance to cash out their winnings)) but anyway i thought all of those clubs pertained to the one app being pokerbros. I didnt know their were multiple apps like this pokerrr one that im hearing about now. Can someone help me out with some info on this. How many apps actually exist with the club format and are all these clubs being promoted online supposed to be from pokerbros or other apps as well?? Thanks in advance for any info lol
There are many apps (more than 10) and many clubs on each app. I don't think app poker is going anywhere. It has come to stay.
Same story i have to share. Playing online poker from 2009. Started MTT on FT and Titan, then Stars, Party, 888, Winamax etc. In 2015 fully switched to PLO4 cash games, and in late 2019 starts combine PLO4/PLO5. In my region all major poker rooms are banned lately, so im forced to play on private rooms like Bros, PPPoker, Pokerrr etc. On Bros i have agent account, so i have deep insight of all peoples win/loose record in my union. I am winning player, so I'm not complaining about loosing, but as OP stated very shady and unnatural swings that happens to all. Personally i have 260k hands sample played on Bros, with rake to win ratio about 1:6?!? and ROi around 2.4%!?!. It is even worse cause players are so bad that i literally have to crush em. Yes PLO5 is high variance game, yes it is good portion of time flip, blah blah, but situation where percentages are locked no matter if it is NLH or PLO6 are off the charts. Software tries to keep bad players in game for as long as possible, artificially make action flops or create unnatural hot/cold streaks that higly deviate from normal variation. Loosing players loose much smaller percentages that it should be given their poker skills, and i see that in agent account. I could see theirs stats and im playing daily against em, so i can made assumptions of how much more they should loose. PokerBros is made to be free to play playmoney app and it's main purpose is to be fun, so make people constantly loose isnt fun, that's why the software is balanced to keep people playing and not loosing their souls on getting in with worse. For us that play for real money it is very frustrating. Me personally, after played 1+ million hands online in MTTs and 3+ million hand in cash games can claim that Bros is not completely fair, but at this time it is practically only option for me to stay in game. Yes i win, yes much less that it should be, yes 50% rb keeps me above water. I wish i could play again on major rooms, cause even worst swings seems to be fair against Bros and other private apps including PPPoker and Pokerrr.
P. S. Im using drivehud and PT, also have full acces to players accounts to make conclusion about software fairness given to poker skills and compared to win/lose ratio of all players in union.
Sorry for my english, stay safe and GL at the tables!!!
For NL I will say a lot of the "riggedness" I seen in the past was just due to player tendency having super tight 3betting ranges. Where I would try and memorize charts for which hands to 3bet + 4bet and stack off with, but I wasn't really adjusting well when the player only 3 bets QQ+ and flats everything else. So I would treat JJ btn vs SB as a cooler when I'm just like 18% every time the money goes in.
With that said I haven't played on bros in years now. But from Bros, pokerrrr, and ignition they all seem like they are "rigged" for action to a certain degree. I don't think its against any particular players like losing players or rigged against winning players etc. Could be! Being designed as a "play money" app really changes things IMO though. I have seen a club run $1/$2 and then because its a Friday they run a $2/$5 game. And literally the worst player on the table wipes out entire table in about 2hours time for $8k or so.
I did have screen shots in the past where I checked the equities when all in for 300 hands or so and the equities hold true. But the # of times I get AK vs TT on KTX is quite amazing. Or the late position battles being JJ+ AK vs JJ+ AK type ranges seem to happen at a pretty high frequency as well. I switched to ignition for the last couple of years and I have to say even with hole card access I am still seeing a lot of suspicious play. From players playing 63/37 limp calling with KK and simply folding on the flop when I have AA. Other times they flat AA MW in their BB instead of squeezing. It could just be people who honestly don't know how to play clicking buttons. I have checked all the stats on distribution though for # of times you get AA vs KK or just being dealt premiums in general. All of the stats come out normal. I will say for the first 700k hands or so I played I did have a AA vs KK ratio that was unfair, but evened out closer to a million hands.
I think the best approach is just to know humans don't understand variance or sample sizes really needed. Have to ignore all the GTO / PIO solver outputs and really just focus on player tendencies. I have spent numerous hours and wasted time and energy on this stuff over the years with my only results showing its less rigged than I thought it was. You can still tell it feels a little off, probably to increase the rake and make the game more fun being a "play money" site. Poker itself can be boring at times, so the increase in action to keep the fish coming back makes a lot of sense as a business. Also would probably lose to the rake if it wasn't as action packed as it is. I would ignore your personal stats and step away from GTO strategy completely.
I still have a friend who plays on these sites because they are crazy soft and the rake back is always a big bonus. He has made a killing on these sites. Many clubs have banned him from people complaining he wins too much. Its really about adjusting to the player tendencies and understanding how to fry the fish with big bets and make big folds against players who don't bluff enough. Ignore the GTO charts that say to stack off with AK preflop in certain spots and stop treating TPTK as a cooler when you get 3bet on the flop. Just know they "just have it." Once you learn to accept the site for being action packed and players making big hands pretty often, some big lay downs will become easier to make. Then you just focus on making money and ignore all the stats. I am still working on all of this stuff myself. Transitioned back to live games just yesterday because I was tired of all the online stuff. When you don't have a choice in your shoes though you just have to accept it for what it is and make the correct adjustments.
That was three years ago. I'm often encouraged to play bros these days, but do you still agree that pokerbros is a rigged site?
I listen to the S4Y podcast and Berkey just talks about bots and collusion on these sites. The rake is insane, but a lot more better opportunities available these days. I haven't played on there in years, so I can't comment personally about the action. Had a friend who was grinding PLO on pokerrrr and there were a bunch of accounts that got banned after some IT person came in and analyzed a bunch of stuff. I'm sure BROS is the same.
I play there regularly and it works as every poker room. Author of the thread had just bad run or is rec and we all know that for them even stars are rigged.
I play for a living, so you are just making wild assumptions.
I’m a little sus about poker bros, I too win on others sites and lose on this site
Don't get me wrong. I was still winning on the site, but you can tell at the time there were far too many coolers than normal. A lot of JJ+ AK+ type of range in late position battles happening at a high frequency. Two players having AK vs AQ and being ace high flop. Person flopping OESD vs a set and picking up a FD on the turn. Not rigged vs any particular player, it was just my opinion that the site was rigged for action to increase the rake and make it a more "fun" experience with so many big hands being dealt.
Depends where you play. If you play in these PokerBros clubs and you still cannot win, quit poker immediately.
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