Losing at about -49BB/100hands, do any obvious leaks stand out?

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Losing at about -49BB/100hands, do any obvious leaks stand out?

Sorry if the title was confusing, I'm just curious if anyone can check over my stats. I know it's only over 2k hands, but from what i've been told there are some huge flaws in my game if i'm down that much. In total, I'm down about 25BI from tracked and untracked hands, and 10BI in 2nl from tracked hands.The few things that I noticed are that I'm up in the CO (Though with the small hand sample, this is probably just luck), and have over -100bb/100hands in the SB. I'm pretty sure i've been fixing this as I play more though, as im trying to not get myself into weird spots by playing sub par hands in the SB. I'm a 6max player if that makes any difference.

A few things that i've been doing to change my game are play tighter, play more in position, and play less hands from the SB. I'm also trying to fold way more to raises postflop if I'm on something like a pair and there are higher pairs/a paired board. A lot of my losses are coming from overvaluing TPTK.

My stats so far: http://i.imgur.com/SkhMC4v.png

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