Loose Float , leads to tough river decision

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Loose Float , leads to tough river decision

Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players) BN: $1.20
SB: $3.91
BB: $2.40 (Hero)
UTG: $3.19
MP: $2.01
CO: $9.53
Preflop ($0.03) Hero is BB with Q J
UTG raises to $0.06, 4 folds, Hero calls $0.04
Flop ($0.13) 2 T 8
Hero checks, UTG bets $0.10, Hero calls $0.10
Turn ($0.33) 2 T 8 6
Hero checks, UTG checks
River ($0.33) 2 T 8 6 J
Hero checks, UTG bets $0.16, Hero calls $0.16
Final Pot UTG wins and shows a pair of Jacks.
UTG wins $0.63
Rake is $0.02

Preflop: He raises UTG so I expect him to be opening around 16% of hands. All PP, T9s +, ATo+, A5s, A7s+ some of the time, KTo+, etc.
I call in the BB with QdJC, Argument could be made for 3 betting to try and take some initiative but I like a call.

Flop: When he bets so large on the flop I can narrow his range down a little bit but not substantially , he is doing it a lot with over cards, over pairs, sets and Tens. I call the flop which could be considered a bad call but I plan on taking it away at a later street. Looking back I probably should have folded , there are much better cards I could have floated with ; QJh, J9, most heart draws.

Turn: When he checks back the turn I know he does not have a strong ten or sets , as they would continue to bet for value, I can also eliminate some low heart combos as they would also keep betting.

River: When the river card comes a J and he bets around 1/2 pot , it is a pretty close spot. His range would consist if basically only value and very few bluffs , as most hearts would have kept bluffing the turn. I think I should have folded , however if the bet was slightly smaller I could have called.

His range at the end was just screaming value , and I do not think there is any value hands which my hand beat. I probably should have folded.



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Insane_melon 7 years, 2 months ago

I would fold preflop. This hand just plays very poorly - you will struggle to realise your equity and will very rarely be able to bet confidently for value. Most of the time you will have to fold to a flop cbet or end up making a weak top or second pair kind of hand, which will then get you in trouble as you end up either calling down too much or folding to barrels. I would call this versus a CO 3x open but not an UTG or MP 3x open.

Flop is a clear fold. You are at the bottom of your range and his cbet is large and on a board where I would not expect him to cbet 100% of his range.

I would fold river as played. At these stakes villains will rarely recognise when they are at the bottom of their range with a hand like AK in this spot and will quickly check believing they have showdown value. For this to be a profitable call you need them to be bluffing with ace high type hands some of the time and therefore I would fold.

Kalupso 7 years, 2 months ago

Preflop is loose but not too out of line, and can be fine if villain is on the loose side and plays poorly postflop.

Flop is probably fine because you have one of the best unapaired hands in your range with overcards, GS and BDFD. I much rather call this hand than 99 on the flop. You can also XR these types of hands and you have a lot of hands that works well as XR and not that many that do well as calls here.

You really just have to bet this hand for some size on the river. If you think players are so passive that river is even close you definitely need to bet this. The only players you should check against are somewhat over aggressive players. As played I would still just call the river bet with this hand. The call is just so +EV against a lot of strategies and rarely much worse that barely -EV.

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