Looking for a couple players to review once a week with via Skype
Posted by Ryan
Posted by Ryan posted in Low Stakes
Looking for a couple players to review once a week with via Skype
Hey yall. so brief history. I've been playing 100NL mostly online for the past couple years w a 11ishbb/100. moved up to 200 for a bit and winrate halved, so moved back down. Spent the last few months focusing on live poker and thats went well, playing mostly 1/3 and a bit of 2/5. Looking to mix a bit of online again into the mix as I've found it really hard to stay sharp and conceptualize situations as well only playing live and that kind of makes it hard for me to stay focused on learning and to improve.
I want to organize a group of 3-4 players with a solid winrate at 100NL or higher to meet up once a week(maybe monday) for an hour or two to review a video from the week. I can record and clip a 30 minutes video each week and others in the group can do the same and we can go over it together and see what kind of discussion we can gather. Think American players would be preferred due to time zone conflicts and american games being a different meta than poker stars/euro sites,.
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