Looking for study buddies with same goals
Posted by kentbro1990
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Low Stakes
Looking for study buddies with same goals
Hi guys,
I m looking for likeminded people who wants to make poker as primary income. Currently playing nl5 with some nl10.
Entry level to this group is to beat nl2 at decent sample size. We are on this limit to improve - not to make money.
The idea is to have you on discord where we can schedule sweat sessions, discuss strategy , mental game strategy and other cool stuff to improve each other.
Please DM me if interested.
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When/what time do you have in mind for studying? I'm playing a bit higher but my games are soft.
We will make a schedule. Sweat sessions might benefit the most.
My work schedule is erratic- 60-80 hours one or two weeks at a time but I have whole weeks off at a time. On those weeks off I play poker and watch videos. So, I'd love to do it then. Let me know if this works
I am interested, lets make a discord group!
Count me in ,i play 2-10 nl i win up to 5 nl,i dont have a good sample at 10!!
Where do you play for money. I live in Georgia and it is not legal here. Been playing a lot at Poker Stars free but I know that is not at all the same as real money.
H Fowler
I live in NJ it's legal here but only against other NJ residents.
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