Looking for micro/low stakes players who need poker friends to talk poker on discord
Posted by timeGambler
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Low Stakes
Looking for micro/low stakes players who need poker friends to talk poker on discord
They say you can't get better without having poker friends to talk to. I want to get better and if you do too and you're at micro/low stakes send me a DM or comment here. I'll invite you to a discord I made. Hit me up especially if you're like me and are really wanting to get better but have no poker friends in real life :)
Going to talk about "From the ground up - peter clarke - runitonce" as I recently got that on sale and want to start talking about fundamentals and basics. Basically asking stupid/novice questions is totally allowed here.
Again 2 qualifications for discord invite:
Play micro/low stakes
Seriously want to get better
Thanks and blessings at the tables.
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My discord nickname:
i currently playing 25NL ZOOM at PS, 160k Hands, -3bb/100 and joined RIO because i want to know how i hell can someone win at ZOOM at PS. REGs battle all the time, i want to see if someone has a positive winrate (without rakeback) there. I signed for a essential plan again to continue improving my game too. Add me there on discord.
i coundnt found you.
Add me BetoO#2324
Hey Lobo how long have you been playing cash? The good news with the minus 3bbs you are getting pretty close to being a winner. Meaning if you can just fix up a few leaks your winrate will go positive
Sign me up. I don’t know much about poker but have just bought the ground up course and want to take this seriously.
Claret~N~Blue82#9320 add me
i coundnt found you.
Add me BetoO#2324
Sign me up!!!!
Hey mate.. i just moved up from 5nl to 10nl.
Im studying "from the ground up" as well.
Reading "modern poker theory", other books as well and interested in study with other people, using flopzilla, equilab etc...
Discod: BetoO#2324
Hi, I’m also playing nl5/10 and looking for people to discuss and study with.
Invite me on discord !
Thank you
Good deal man welcome to the RIO community! Sign me up for it man happy to talk poker anytime. Also on Instagram @jcoffmankypoker and love talking hands with people one on one all the time
2nl player
add me PKParK#7637
I'd like to join to discuss hands and poker strategy. I'm a micro player, serious about improving. I've been playing NL for 3 years total, switching between cash and tournaments in the past. I only played cash for the 1st year where I was about breakeven at 5NL. I'm net positive lifetime, all my profits are from tournaments such as Hypers 6s and turbo SNG MTTs.
I'm looking to refocus on cash and the fundamentals now. I've bought FTG, it'd be great to chat about this as well and analyzing hand histories with FlopZilla, GTO+, and Equilab (I have these).
My name on discord is MoreLuckPlease#9291.
Hello, i added you to my friends in discord, please accept my request. My username is anthrax90
Hi everyone! I wanted to provide an update that this thread is still active. I've had good study sessions with people in the thread, so feel free to continue adding me, MoreLuckPlease#9291.
I'm looking to have at least a few more study partners added to my contact list, so we can have both more 3-person study sessions, and more weekly sessions in general.
Add me on there, Let's review hands! Cornman#2184
hey, i currently playing nl 10z on stars, i want to join
add me Noviswag#4876
Hello! Some of us are having a study session today at 7 PM EST, we'll be in the voice chat in the Run It Once training discord: https://discord.gg/ZY2rsUrN
We can also start planning for our next chat for next weekend. Please feel free to post in this thread with your availability & TimeZone for next weekend, if you'd like to join. I'll get into the habit of posting to this thread on a routine basis to coordinate study sessions.
We had a good study session. We discussed constructing ranges Vs 3Bets for low stakes, and we figured out how to look up population 3Bet ranges in a database.
Here's a screenshot further below of an example.
We'll have another study session, same chat room as last time, this upcoming weekend. If you'd like to join, feel free to post here with your availability & Time Zone, and we can coordinate the time of the study session with all that are interested.
Next study session is coming up: Friday (tomorrow) evening, anytime Saturday at this point, or mid-day Sunday.
I'll be bringing 3B OOP hands histories to the session. I've also started using GTOx, so we could chat about these topics and more.
My name on discord is MoreLuckPlease#9291, feel free to message me there if you have further questions, or to coordinate the exact time - thanks!
I would love to join you guys. In fact, i was looking for something like this
Awesome! Let me know your discord, or add me as a friend, and we'll schedule a time that works for all of us.
I am Sammy K on discord. Looking forwards to join you guys
Sure, provide me with your 4 digits if you'd like me to add you as a friend. Alternatively, you can add me: MoreLuckPlease#9291
Looking forward to it as well!
Sorry 0786
Guys, I play live and online as well. I used to play NL25 in PS but after two years of no playing at all I decided to begin from scratch. Feel free to add me on Discord Sting#5535
Sure! I added you.
The call will be at 9 PM EST / 7 PM MST tonight, we'll be in the voice chat in the Run It Once training discord: https://discord.gg/ZY2rsUrN
Hey! We had a good session last week where we reviewed hands. Post in the thread here, or message me on discord if you'd like to study this weekend. I'll be holding another study group session, so it'll be useful to know the availability of those interested, thanks!
Count me in! We just need to coordinate.
We'll be having our study discussion tomorrow, 4/8/2023, at 12 PM ART / 11 AM EST / 9 AM MST. We'll be focusing on 3B Preflop and 3B Postflop SRPs, as most members want to study this.
Anyone may feel free to join us, we will be in the study-room in the RIO Training discord: (https://discord.gg/XMPPY6r)
We had a good study session this morning where we we reviewed two hand histories for 3Bet pots & analyzed them with GTOx.
For our next call, it'll be the same day & time of the week,
Saturday 4/15/2023 @ 7:30 AM MST / 9:30 AM EST / 10:30 AM ART
Agenda & Topics,
-Introductions for any new members
-Goal setting
-Open Floor
-Hand Histories
-Scheduling next study session
Anyone may feel free to join us, we will be in the study-room in the RIO Training discord: (https://discord.gg/XMPPY6r). Feel free to reach out to me with questions here, or on discord - MoreLuckPlease#9291.
Pardon the additional message here, but I wanted to ensure that those interested saw the following change in time for the morning study session tomorrow:
Saturday 4/15/2023 @ 7:30 AM MST / 9:30 AM EST / 10:30 AM ART
Would love to join. I just requested to add you as a friend PoeticEconomist my discord name is crushthecontrol. When will be the next session? Cheers mate.
Cornman#2184 add me
i had add you
add please
We have a poker Discord, there's a bunch of guys starting out that you guys could connect with. We also offer some free coaching sessions weekly and just cool discussions. Feel free to join :D https://discord.gg/ZTWQUQC43R
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