Looking for an Ignition 200 Zone NL discussion

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Looking for an Ignition 200 Zone NL discussion

I am an American player playing daily on the 6max 200 NL Zone. Since the Ignition software allows to go back and reveal all players cards 24hrs after the hand played, I average marking about 10 interesting hands/day and go over them the following day before playing another session. To me, these are more interesting than any other site because we also get to see villain holecards even if there has been no showdown. More often than not these hands tend to be situations where I got into a bad spot and ended up folding at some point, though not all follow that trend. Sometimes I run a few pio sims on ~2 of the most interesting ones from the previous day IF I have the time. I am looking for players who would like to talk strategy about this specific environment. I know most of you out there likely play "real" poker where people have faces, or screen names, or have the ability to look at a hud...but I don't and there's just as much money in here to win in an anonymous setting, so if anyone is interested in discussing with me I would appreciate it. Thanks.


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mbaha10 7 years, 7 months ago

Hey man, I just posted a thread about my study group. We've got several players in the group, including myself, that are from the US and play on Ignition. Shoot me a PM if interested.

dankremin 7 years, 7 months ago

I have been having success in the 50z games and took a shot at the 200z (since 100z no longer runs.) The player pool doesn't seem significantly tougher in those games, I think I could contribute to a discussion of this unique environment. PM me if you want to discuss.

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