Livegame, any flaw in my thinking procedure?
Posted by akakaka
Posted by akakaka posted in Low Stakes
Livegame, any flaw in my thinking procedure?
do not know how to post a handhistory, and my English is not good
some Livegame in a northwestern city of China, the Stake is 25/50CNY, to make hand easy to compute and discribe, i regard that stake as $5/$10 (1 usd equals 6.2-6.3 cny), 7 Players
BTN: $2000 (200 bb)
SB: $2000 (200 bb)
[b]BB: $2600 (260 bb)[/b]
UTG: $2000 (200 bb)
LJ: $2000(200bb)
HJ: $2000(200bb)
[b]Hero(CO): $3200 (320 bb)[/b]
[b]Preflop[/b]: Hero is CO with K:club: 5:club:
3 folds, [color="red"]Hero raises to $35[/color], 2 folds, BB raises to $120, Hero calls $85
juicy game in a Chinese Northwestern city, everyone except UTG is either weaktight or just BAD. UTG is a online 6max TAG who plays okay. I try my best not to compete against him.
BB is a middle-aged live boss-reg who have a coal-mine(kind like Elezra type), he knows something, maybe
have paid for coaching before. He said he played pokerstar midstake and is a
"winning" player( should be less than serveral thousand hand), i kind
of believe him. He definitely is the best of the remaining 5.
the stacks r deep and button is nitty, so i openraised co pretty loose to isolate fish at blinds, BB 3bet me, my hand is pretty playable , stacks r deep and i have position ,so i call
[b]Flop[/b]: ($245) A:diamond: Q:diamond: 3:spade:[color="blue"] (2 players)[/color]
[color='red']BB bets $ 50[/color], Hero calls $50
bets pretty small, cuz i once saw him use weakbet/3bet line ,so his
weakbet range is a little bit polarized, the pot is big and i wanna some
extra information, so i call
[b]Turn[/b]: ($345) 7:heart:[color="blue"] (2 players)[/color]
[color="red"]BB bets $50[/color], [color='red']Hero raises to $295[/color], BB calls $245
leadout small against, even smaller contrast to the pot, now i raise on
the purpose to steal the pot, i do not know what hand i wanna rep, when
the river comes i could make up a story,
and the villian calls,
in my opinion, he regard this kind of board as "wet", cuz there r
broadway draws and flush draws, he do not 3bet, so i think he has some
weakmade hand, or flushdraw
[b]River[/b]: ($935) K:diamond:[color="blue"] (2 players)[/color]
BB checks, [color="red"]Hero bets $640[/color], BB raises to $2135, Hero calls $1495
card is not so good, villian could have some kings in his range, and
when i bet, i really do not know what i m representing for, maybe only
flushdraw and ak rivered 2pair
when villian reraise, the remaining people at table r so excited, cuz villian has a good image and i have a bad one, so they r happy finally someone stand up to punish me. I m kinda confused here. I know he is a nitty inside, he once anguishedly called my 2/5potsize riverbet on paired,1card-flush board with nut flush ,saying "I have to pay for your fullhouse." . he would never ever shove 3nd nuts in this kind of situation. But the AKQdiamond is on the board, there r so few flush combos he could xR shove. The only value range is JdTd , Td9d, maximum 2 combos and whether he will 3bet these suited-connector pre is questionable.(in these live game, 3bet-pre is always for thick value). All his 2pair or set will only call .
But what is his bluffing range? I do not know at that moment . I think i m against a blank valuerange and i wanna to know what it is. I called and villian shows Jacks with jackdiamond and mucks his hand. I do not need to show my hand. To make my image even worse, i showed my Kingrag , saying “I can't fold a pair”and the table is shocked.
so it s only a math problem? (madehand into bluff beatme: madehand into bluff i beat)?
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