Live/ NL200/ KK

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Live/ NL200/ KK

Live in Las Vegas, NV at the Mandalay Bay Casino.

I'm fairly new to the game, but the reads I had so far was v#1 = loose-passive (I saw her call a lot of hands pre-flop and check down post-flop. One hand she flopped the nuts bet normal on the flop and checked down trying to trap an OP), v#2 = maniac(a couple hands he bet 80% of his stack just to fold on the river and reload). Hero is male mid 20's has only played one hand where he folded on the flop.

PRE ($3.00)

UTG- Calls ($2)

UTG+1 (Hero $280) KcKd- Raises ($12)

MP (V#1 Covers)- Calls ($12)

Cutoff (reg)- Calls ($12)

Button (V#2 $250) Calls ($12)

SB- Calls ($12)

BB- Calls ($12)

UTG- Calls ($12)


FLOP ($84.00) QdQh4s

Checked to MP (V#1 Covers)- Bets ($50.00)


Button (V#2 $238)- Calls very quickly ($50.00)

Fold, Fold, Fold

Hero ?

My first thought is to fold because I feel V#1 is very passive and betting into this many ops is such a strong play. Any thoughts?


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Joe Nelligan 10 years, 7 months ago

I am probably calling once here. I think V 1 slows down on turn with all non Q hands and given the description I would suspect her standard to be to check a Q on the flop here. She very well may have a worse pocket pair and be betting to see where she is, V2 can obviously have some Qs (might actually be more likely to have a Q given descriptions) but unless I picked up something from either of them being particularly strong I'm seeing one more card here. If you are folding here then your continuing range is exclusively Qx and 44 (and the 44 and most of the Qx's you don't have pre flop. I'm not suggesting live 1/2 players are exploiting ranges but keeping AA,KK in your range here given we are getting 3-1 seems like something worth doing. 

GameTheory 10 years, 7 months ago

If they all play honest you can also make a small cbet on the flop, gives you information cheaper. Also if they all call a 6x raise you should make it larger preflop to avoid 6-way pots, it is not like they are really looking to play perfect preflop against your range anyways.

This is probably close, they can still have underpairs and you will have implied odds on a K turn. The fact that V#1 checked the turn in another pot makes it more a call since you can get 2 cards to hit your 2 outer (4 outer if you're against 44). If you want to play balanced you must checkcall some Qx here (and all your QQQQ).

LoveCafe 10 years, 7 months ago

I ended up folding on flop.

V#1 checked the turn, V#2 bet $100, V#1 called.

V#1 checks the river, V#2 goes all in, V#1 folds.

V#2 proudly show 8s8h.


I'm still unsure if I made the correct move, but I think calling here knowing that V#1 slows down with all non Q where I can still get value from V#2. Leads me to think I did not.

GameTheory, I just began playing Live so it's still new to me. It amazes me how big you can raise and they will still call you. What do you think would be a good adjustment here go from 6x to 8x? When would you know that you've reached optimal raising size?


Thanks for the response guys. 

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