Live $5/$10 NL: TPTK Facing a Raise OTF

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Live $5/$10 NL: TPTK Facing a Raise OTF

My image young TAG grinder, and definitely somewhat nitty - as a result people prone to aggression think that means they can run me over. Played few hands. Showed down the goods, you know the story. V is a recplayer, not too horrible initially but in the last hour he started losing and drinking hard liquor. As a result he got much looser and much more aggro. Playing way more hands, bluffing a lot, etc. Straddling all the time.

$1500 eff. I'm in BB with AhQd and V straddles to $20 UTG, folds to me and I make it $100. He says something like "Really?" and calls.

Flop: Qs9c9s Pot ~ $205 I bet $150, he makes it $600.

My read is very solid that I have the bets hand and he at best has a draw. Either spades or OESD or some gutshot. Assuming my read is correct what's the optimal way to proceed? We can obviously shove but that will just fold out his draws and air. We can also call but then we take the risk of him hitting his draw and we're OOP, and that means that if we check turn to induce he might just shut down and check back and take a free card for his draw.

What's optimal?

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