Live $5/$10 NL Preflop 4b Spot
Posted by DegreesOfFreedom
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High Stakes
Live $5/$10 NL Preflop 4b Spot
$1500 eff. Loose recplayer raises UTG to $30, V calls in UTG+1, station fish calls in HJ, I make it $150 in BB with AQo. UTG folds, UTG+1 makes it $500, folds to me.
Now V and I have a lot of history. And the history is him putting me all-in postflop (on a bluff or semi-bluff) and me passing the test by calling or shoving over the top and taking his monies. For example, he tried to rep a flush OTT by CRAIing me when I had TPTK and I sniffed it out. He bluffed me huge 2 other times too. But today he's played very few hands so far and all of his aggro history with me has been postflop.
Is there merit to shoving here?
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