Live $5/$10 NL: Dealing with ATC button stealer / light 4bettor

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Live $5/$10 NL: Dealing with ATC button stealer / light 4bettor

So I've got a bit of a situation. I'm a young TAG grinder. He's a young LAG grinder. I don't think he's good as he spews A LOT.

Our history. We've played a good deal together. He knows and sees me as a generally tight player but still wants to mess with me in position. It's just too tempting for him.

The situation more specifically. This guy steals button with ATC. Of course I won't accept that when I'm in the blinds. So I started 3betting him with an expanded value range like AJ+, KQo+, 99+ and threw in some light 3bs now and then. The guy responded by often flatting my 3bs, hoping to either hit the flop or somehow outplay me in position. He's lost most of those confrontations postflop (and they were big pots) but still insisted on stealing ATC. At which I have expanded my value 3bet range further to about 15% against him to include hands as weak QTs, K9s and 77+.

At this point I started wondering when he'll start responding to my 3betting by 4bing rather than flatting. It took a couple hours.

Here's what happened. $1600 eff.

  1. V steals OTB and makes it $30. Loose passive fish in SB calls (as he often calls raises in the blinds). I make it $120 with JTs in BB. V makes it $440. I fold. V shows a "3".

  2. 15 mins later. V steals OTB and makes it $30. LP fish in SB of course calls. I make it $120 with 99. V makes it $440. Fish frustratingly exclaims "why am put in this position again?" as he folds. I fold. V says.. "of course I wouldn't bluff again" and shows a "4".

So V basically finally realized I'm 3betting his ATC opens quite wide and is now 4b bluffing me (and showing). And although I foresaw this as the next step in the escalation, when it happened I don't know how to respond.

Do we just start 5b shoving an extended value range? Or is that a mistake he's trying to have us make? Stacks don't allow for 5b bluffing and calling doesn't make any sense. Or do we cut back on our 15% extended 3b range and throw some of that range back into flatting? I prefer 3bing him to flatting as that dulls his positional advantage somewhat. When we flat we're don't "regain" initiative. So if he forces us to 3b less and flat more - to me that's a win for him.

This guy is a hardcore reg as am I so this is not going away. Basically the war just escalated to a new level and I need to excel at the next stage.


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nhilathak 10 years, 4 months ago

If you are 3beting 15% + (and you could go even wider imo) you can't fold 99 (top 4%) to a 4bet if he does it frequently. That means you are folding 11/15+ times so ~75%. So against him , even 160 bb deep this was a nobrainer 5bet jam with your read that he is spewy and recent history.

You need to defend around half your 3bets and mostly by 5beting since his sizing is huge imo and you are oop.

You need to be careful of his tenencies and adjust as soon as he starts to readjust and fold some buttons or flat most 3bets but 4bet only premiums and a few bluffs.

If you fear being exploited by him when exploitatively adapting to his 100% button steal you can have a more GTO approach and 3bet 10-12% polarised, defend by flating a bunch too and play solid poker.

ChipsArePawns 10 years, 4 months ago

I agree that 99 should be a 5 bet jam here.

Once he starts 4-betting you, you need to be aware of his range to do so. If it truly is any two cards then 5betting your whole value range is obviously the way to go.
I would adjust here by splitting my 3bet range firstly into a 3bet/5bet and a 3bet/fold range. This is obviously going to be polarized, this stops villain taking advantage of our 3bet because he will either run into the top of our range and a 5bet or he will fold out our weakest hands where he was actually ahead. We obviously win in both of those scenarios.

It seemed you outplayed him oop post flop when he was just flatting your 3bets. why not adjust as above and also just flat his steal attempts with cards that play well post flop? or if your insistent of 3betting all good hands, use these hands to 3bet/call.

Rapha Nogueira 10 years, 4 months ago

JTs I am ok with the fold but plays really well in multiway pots that I'd rather realise equity.

With SB calling I'd make the squeeze bigger.

99s when he announces the 4b I am snap jamming.

sado44 10 years, 4 months ago

i will narraw my 3bet range to add more value cards to flat call opp with fish together. And because my range is better than lag V usually, I will add more flop check raise cards in my range.

Trust me,fight with a good lag reg,don't till opp,narraw your range to get paid with premium cards in big pot.

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