Live £5/£10 interesting hand

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Live £5/£10 interesting hand

UTG2: Seat 1: $10000
LJ: Hero: $4000
HJ: Seat 3: $3000
CO: Seat 4: $2000
BN: Seat 5: $2000
SB: Seat 6: $2000
BB: Seat 7: $10000
UTG: Seat 8: $3600
UTG1: Seat 9: $2500
Preflop ($15.00) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt A A
Seat 8 raises to $35, Seat 9 calls $35, Seat 1 folds, Hero raises to $130, Seat 3 folds, Seat 4 folds, Seat 5 folds, Seat 6 folds, Seat 7 calls $120, Seat 8 raises to $410, Seat 9 folds, Hero calls $280, Seat 7 calls $280
Flop ($1305.00) 3 3 J (3 Players)
Seat 7 checks, Seat 8 checks, Hero bets $500, Seat 7 calls $500, Seat 8 calls $500
Turn ($2805.00) 3 3 J K (3 Players)
Seat 7 checks, Seat 8 checks, Hero checks
River ($2805.00) 3 3 J K K (3 Players)
Seat 7 checks, Seat 8 checks, Hero bets $1600
UTG is bad suspicious. Fairly sure that his preflop 4bet range is linear and too wide (like TT+ and AK), basically is 'raising to find out where he is at' a lot of the time preflop. I thought the best way to get value against his range is to flat his 4bet and hope he stacks off incorrectly on a lot of boards (I could def be convinced 5bet is better though). BB is a good reg, he is calling my 3bet relatively (but still has a fairly narrow range obv) wide because UTG and UTG+1 are weaker players. Not really sure what his range is for continuing after the 4bet.

Worth commenting that UTG tanked for a long time on the flop, both before he checked and before he called.
I am viewed as winning LAG, who 3bets a lot (polarised) and both villains have seen me fire big river bluffs before.

Thoughts on all streets please. Thanks.

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