Live $5/$10: Constructing a 3-bet Flat Range

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Live $5/$10: Constructing a 3-bet Flat Range

I really didn't/don't have a 3-bet flat range. I used to always fold or 4b after I got 3-bet. Now I'm thinking I should have a 3b flat range but I have little clue on what it should be and why. This question is for 100BB. The reason I'm thinking about this now is because I think I've been getting exploited kind of hard by some aggro regs who know that although my hand is strong, it's not strong enough to be in my 4b range and I just fold. And also because some people are 3bing an extended value range or light.

I think KQ+ and TT+ is reasonable - just looking at what other people are flatting 3-bets with. But I don't know and don't understand the reasoning behind it.

Of course, we should flat wider in position so the range should be wider if we're IP, I understand that. I play $5/$10 live where people tend to 3b more and also flat 3bs more than lower live stakes.

I'd like to discuss this. If there's an article or any good resource about this - please point me to it.

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