Live $5/$10: Constructing a 3-bet Flat Range

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Live $5/$10: Constructing a 3-bet Flat Range

I really didn't/don't have a 3-bet flat range. I used to always fold or 4b after I got 3-bet. Now I'm thinking I should have a 3b flat range but I have little clue on what it should be and why. This question is for 100BB. The reason I'm thinking about this now is because I think I've been getting exploited kind of hard by some aggro regs who know that although my hand is strong, it's not strong enough to be in my 4b range and I just fold. And also because some people are 3bing an extended value range or light.

I think KQ+ and TT+ is reasonable - just looking at what other people are flatting 3-bets with. But I don't know and don't understand the reasoning behind it.

Of course, we should flat wider in position so the range should be wider if we're IP, I understand that. I play $5/$10 live where people tend to 3b more and also flat 3bs more than lower live stakes.

I'd like to discuss this. If there's an article or any good resource about this - please point me to it.


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Syhe885 10 years, 5 months ago

I'm lol'ing because I just posted a few hours ago about the same problem you are having. In my 10/10 live game, we are like 300bb deep and flatting 3bets becomes even more important. At least when you are 100bb deep you can just play 4bet/fold and stack off with QQ/AKs/KK most of the time. In deeper games, I can't even 4bet KK for value.
Maybe we need a RIO pro to help us!

Disharmonist 10 years, 3 months ago

IP call hands that play well against villains 3bet value range, hands that have semibluffing potential. I am more likely to call with 87s than with kq off because if I hit my q or k i dont win often enough/ big enough and lose a lot against his ak aq kk++.

Disharmonist 10 years, 3 months ago

You can do it 100bb deep but keep in mind that you have to play your hand pretty hard and fast when you are just drawing. Only problem I see a lot of players make is playing 3bet pots totally different from single raise pots e.g. stack off with any pair on the flop, fold too many rivers or try to float too many c-bets with complete air. Some players also like to flat qq++ ip 100bb effective in order to balance their looser peels.

ibey33 10 years, 3 months ago

All this stuff has pretty much been solved for 6max at least. (Or prty close to it)
Look around online, or download (they have an app) pokersnowie pf advisor and I think it'll help you alot for optimal pf play

Maxmidget 10 years, 2 months ago

Live I definitely advocate flatting 3bets against very tight, deep players with hands that have implied odds, ideally pocket pairs. IMO suited connectors are better in position against aggressive players deep because your semi bluffs are more likely to be successful.

Also, we can flat 3bets with AA/KK when a villain has 3bet roughly 1/4th - 1/2th of their stack and can fold TT-QQ to a 4bet jam.

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