Live $5/$10: Betting Tiny PP on Paired Flop for Protection?

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Live $5/$10: Betting Tiny PP on Paired Flop for Protection?

$2000 eff. My image tight. Table is pretty fishy and loose-passive (stationy) preflop, several fish love to play hands and see the flop. Gameflow tightens up very substantially postflop. A TAG opens to $30 UTG, preflop station calls in MP1, I call in CO with 3h3d, fish calls OTB. Vs are generally passive postflop unless they hit.

Flop: KcKs5d Pot $135 Checks to me.

Should we take a stab?


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David Jimenez 9 years, 3 months ago

I don't really see a reason to, against 1 sure, 2 maybe, but 3 is too much especially with the fish that has position vs us and can call random things and make our life hard in later streets, xb seems like the best line to me

DegreesOfFreedom 9 years, 3 months ago

Well the reason is we may have the best hand right now but it's unlikely to remain so on future streets. People are holding overs to our 33. If can get them to give up their equity that would be pretty cool. We may even get a nitty fold from higher PPs. I feel that checking is almost equivalent to surrendering the hand - we might as well fold now :)

What do you think of betting 1/3p?

David Jimenez 9 years, 3 months ago

well, there's still kings in v's ranges, 5's, even strong overcards may not fold like AQ/AJ etc I just rather "give up" the hand we may still win at sd sometimes. Your line may work sometimes but I don't think is a good idea on the long run you would have to be 100% sure that Vs fold 100% without a pair and even like that is not great to take a stab against 3. I don't know it seems a bit loose to me. I think the size doesn't matter that much btw

Ace8spades 9 years, 3 months ago

Based on the table flow, absolutely bet 80 to 100. But be cautious if you get called and immediately put them on a range.
Most likely to call A rag or Broadway without a K. Or possibly a pair bigger then yours. Ideally you'd want reads on them and test them with a 3/4 pot bet on flop. Most of the time you pick it up.

unload3r 9 years, 2 months ago

I agree with David on this one, vs this large of a field it will be very difficult to get this through. There are few turn cards that will strengthen your range enough to continue vs a call.
The one great thing about betting is that you will often get to see turn and river for free and some implied odds if you Bink the boat. Not enough of an edge over checking in my opinion tho

jambonbeurre 9 years, 2 months ago

More i play shorthanded, more i think ppl are just overstabing that spot for protection and bluff, the EV of checking Kx seems better than betting it.
But yeah, i feel that stab>>>check until you get punished.

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