Live: 4bet pot w AA, deep.
Posted by pat333
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Mid Stakes
Live: 4bet pot w AA, deep.
Villain seems good and probably views hero as good. Has not been overly aggro but probably capable. We've been at the same table for about 2-3 hours and not really tangled so far. Hero has been opening a lot and calling a lot IP. Hero played a couple of much smaller 3 bet pots OOP in the last orbit, losing both (open-folding pre once, and open-calling then check folding the flop the other). Villain has 3 bet hero OOP once before with TT.
Hero has around $1300, villain covers.
Hero opens $12 from MP w AhAx. One caller and villain 3bets to $55 from the BB.
Hero 4bets to $135. Villain calls.
Flop Th5h5c. (~$300)
Villain check-calls $165.
Turn 9o (~$630)
Villain leads $275, Hero calls.
River 9o (~$1170)
Villain shoves. (approx ~$750 to hero)
Hero calls?
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Well we can almost cancel out pocket 5s. Pocket 10s is possible since he check called the flop. The lead on the turn makes me think he has trip 5 minimum but cant see him raising with 56 57 45 or A5. I think I'm folding pocket aces here because he most likely has pocket 10s. Did you call?
probably has a 45s even though not many combos I just don't see many people bluffing like this at 1/2 live. If they are capable of something like this they stand out. even if he had QJ I doubt he barrels otr and prob doesn't 3b it pre.
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