live 2/5/10 with flopped top set. Looking for some suggestions on optimal strategies.

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live 2/5/10 with flopped top set. Looking for some suggestions on optimal strategies.

live 2/5 1425 effective. Villian young very aggressive image. running over the table at this point.
button who is a whale straddles. SB who is a tricky reg opens 40. i call with 88 utg+2. Lowjack who is a rock calls. Button called.
Flop:872r pot(165)
SB leads for 100. I raised to 275. Everyone folds except the trick reg. Note:he snap called my raises.
Turn:10d pot(710) creating a backdoor. He checks. I check. Here is where i think i might be wrong. I don't think that he thinks i am wild enough to run a crazy bluff. Because the whale is on the table. The 10d makes my bluffs on the flop harder to continue on the turn,namely 109ss, 65ss. And i felt that he had an overpair on the flop,because the timing tell.
He checks. I bet 450. He snaped me. Obviously, i made a mistake by not betting huge here by leaving 600$ behind. His snap calls kinda reveals that he probably has what he has. My question is, how would you approach this spot?Any feedback is appreciated.


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JACKraceLUKE 6 years, 11 months ago

I lean a little bit more towards flatting on the flop with the whale in the hand just because I think you would flat most of your straight draws as well. Raising is certainly fine if you balance it out with JTs, T9s, 65s - alltough I think you shouldn't be flatting that preflop from early Position vs UTG open.
Anyway, I see no reason to slow down on the turn as the T is generally a better card for your range. I think you don't have to size to big in that spot, 1/2 -2/3 pot should be fine and puts villain in a very tough spot with his overpairs and sets up an easy river jam.

ERA7ER 6 years, 11 months ago

for sure by betting the turn. i think u are taking this a little to far with what he thinks that u think that he thinks etc. just bet for value on the turn bc there is a huge amount of draws and he wil call very wide i think and u have the effective nuts.

dannyboy6292 6 years, 6 months ago

Should have got his whole stack. If he is calling a raise post flop he will call a turn bet and it will set you up for a river shove. He had 7s or 2s underneath correct?

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