Live 2/4 Q6dd exploiting weak ranges having range advantage
Posted by piterlanguila
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Mid Stakes
Live 2/4 Q6dd exploiting weak ranges having range advantage
Hero(BTN) $400
Villain (BB) +$400
Everyone fold to hero on the button who open raise $12 w Q6dd, BB call.
Flop AsTd5h ($26)
BB check, Hero bet $14, BB call
Turn 8s ($54)
BB check, Hero check
River Jc ($54)
BB bet $30, Hero raise to $100
So yep, I know I am at the button of my range and it would seem like an std fold (maybe it is ) but what Im worrying it is if raising could have ev>0 (raising>folding) so:
Do you guys think it's worth to exploit villain ranges while we are having a range advantage? Or do you think we should recopilate some info about the player before making such moves?
Im raising river here because Im having a very clearly range advantage and have a nice hand to do it with, while he may have AJ,A8,JT,KQ which is the top of his range for betting the river (I think he'll be betting some of his Ax for value too good % of the time), but there are more straights in hero's range (79,Q9) and also JJ. Having Qd blocker reduces his straight combos, so what do you guys think about raising river?
I guess the main point is the difference between the combos he bet/call and bet/fold with, which I still have to check but obv we know that if there is a good margin then putting the 2nd bet on the river is the way to go.
But again, if we don't know the guy's calling range, maybe if he is bet calling all of his 2pr combos that makes my 2nd bet ev- ? What should his minimum defense frequency be here?
I may be wrong in many things but that's why I posted it to see different approaches, thank you guys!
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i like the river raise cuz our q block many kq combos.
4 out of 16 combos(25%) doesn't seem we're blocking too many combos, I may be wrong
"Do you guys think it's worth to exploit villain ranges while we are having a range advantage?"
How do we have a range advantage here? I would think he has a pretty big range advantage once the turn goes check check.
"Im raising river here because Im having a very clearly range advantage and have a nice hand to do it with, while he may have AJ,A8,JT,KQ which is the top of his range for betting the river (I think he'll be betting some of his Ax for value too good % of the time), but there are more straights in hero's range (79,Q9) and also JJ. Having Qd blocker reduces his straight combos, so what do you guys think about raising river?"
I don't mean to be rude but I think this is all wrong.
First off how do you have all combos of 79? You dont barrel turns with those? I would assume those would be some of your best double barrel bluffs. So that weakens your range. Also once you check back turn you can cut out a big portion of your monsters like sets and 2 pairs. Again weakening your range. So basically the strong part of your range that you are repping is Q9 (that didnt barrel turn) and JJ (that cbet flop) or KQ (that cbet flop). All of these hands I would assume are silghtly discounted because you might barrel some Q9 or might check JJ or KQ on the flop. So honestly I think your river range looks really weak here and I would be extremely surprised when I got raised on the river and probably assume random spaz and never fold a decent bluff catcher.
Second part I disagree with is that you completely discount 55, 1010, A5, and A10 from his range. this is a fairly dry board I wouldn't assume everyone is c/r there big hands on this flop 100% of the time. Also you stated JJ as a hand in your range that is not in his and I do not see how this could be true. I guess that depends a lot on the opponent but not all live players 3b JJ pre.
I do think its good that you are looking for spots where you have a range advantage and you are looking to take advantage of it, but I do not think this is one of those spots. I do think the Q blocker factors in slightly but I don't think enough to make this a good spot.
Also worth note is that when someone takes a weird line like you did people often just get confused and suspicious and end up calling just because they are confused and curious.
You want to take advantage of what people commonly do wrong in your games. My guess is that in live low limit games people are probably not making the mistake of hero folding at too high of a frequency (which you would exploit by over bluffing). I would assume they are at the other end of the spectrum and hero calling too much and your play plays right into their most common mistake.
Thank you so much! Really helpful
Don't try fps @ live low stakes
You will get called everytime. Just "exploit" them by lowering you bluffing frequencies and they will never adjust they will just keep clicking call as they breath from their mouth
I've been playing a lot of live 2/3 NL and I agree with ibey33. Forget about balance and fancy plays. They're calling. So lower bluff frequency and open up your value frequency.
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