Live $2-5 NL, QQ spot oop in 3bet pot
Posted by ralphykid67
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Mid Stakes
Live $2-5 NL, QQ spot oop in 3bet pot
Hero $700- Active image, I was opening quite a bit and probably seen as aggro.
Villain- $1500 stack. Also active and somewhat loose. Not a maniac or a bad player by any means tho.
Hero UTG opens to 25 with QcQd
Villain 3-bets to 80 from UTG1
Fold around and I flat. I don't see any need to 4-bet. Agree/disagree?
Flop 2d3d4h , Pot 160
I check, Villain bets 130, and I call. I figure I wanna let him barrel with 1010-JJ, AK. Agree/disagree with flat?
Turn Qh, Pot 420
I check, Villain bets 250 and I shove for 500 total.
What do we think about preflop? I feel like 4-betting is turning my hand into a bluff. If I make it say $200 and he shoves am I calling? I don't have info to justify calling off QQ there. His range will be almost entirely AA-KK at that point it seems. Not sure what's correct here but I think flatting and taking a flop is good.
What about on the flop? Any reason to check raise? I felt like check call was good since he can still have 1010-JJ. I think if I check raise I have to shove and that isolates his range to KK-AA, and AKdd.
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I agree that preflop is not a 4 bet because youre not doing so well against a 5 bet and he is raising you in EP after your open UTG. Flop check call is fine. On the turn theres merit to check calling to keep all his bluffs in, but a definitely like the check/jam because of the board and SPR. On the flop theres no reason to check raise because he folds out all of his bluffs.
I think you've played the hand totally fine.
I just wonder if there is hand that can be better to x/c turn with than xr , and that can x/f river. I mean what is the right GTO play with JJ-TT , does that jam turn or just call for folding a very little time on the river according to the river card.
He has Aces right ?
I dont think hero is willing to fold top set, i think you missread the hand
I think you played it well as is, definitely like flatting pre. He's pretty committed on the turn and we wouldn't want him to potentially check back a diamond river with black AA or something and miss value. If he folds getting that price that's pretty exploitable too.
Thanks for the feedback all. I feel I played it well also. Was just checking since I'm relatively new to $2/5 and I've recently shifted my focus from tourneys to cash.
Was shell shocked for a few days because V called and turned over AJdd. River comes 8d no problem.
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