Live 10/20 turn spot
Posted by soggybottoms
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High Stakes
Live 10/20 turn spot
Villain 1 Russian pro on the tighter side but seems to be a button clicker in some spots. I've seen him flat my utg raise. call 300 into 390 on a 1042 rainbow board with 77 then bet 740 on a J turn. He also 3 bet the biggest calling station fish of all time at the table with 72 out of the bb just to do it. He flopped a pair and won the pot. Other than these two hands we've played 7 hours or so and he's played very tag.
Villain 2 just sat but looks like a middle aged fish.
The table Fish limps utg. another limp. folds to me on the button and I make it 160 with Kh Qs. Villain 1 calls SB. Villain 2 calls BB. Fish calls. mp limp calls 5 way to the flop.
Flop Kd8d4h. ($800)
Checks to me I bet 540. Villain 1 calls. Villain 2 calls.
Villain 1 6k effective Villain 2 1200 left.
Turn 9h
Villain 1 leads 1200.Villain 2 calls.
Villain 1 I certainly feel like AK is a part of Villain's 1 range. and that's pretty much the only hand that beats me other than k9. All Kx heart combos are gone ( I have K hearts). Assuming he raises all sets on board this wet etc etc.
Villain 2. Seems like his range is weighted towards combo draws on the flop to me but fish do weird stuff sometimes and flat to see if a diamond peels off. So maybe he just has a bad king which pretty much takes away all kx combos for Villain 1. On the turn Villain 2 snap called the 1200 btw. Most of the time fish will sigh and waste time with a draw before calling. When he snap calls makes me feel like villain 1 most likely has some combo draw. So 1200 to me 4840 in the pot. Call/ Raise/ Fold ? Calling or raising seems perfectly fine to me. I called but I think raising is better. I don't personally think this is worthy of a post but some people said they would fold and I just think that's absolutely absurd. If you would please explain AND please be critical on my thought process.
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why did you open to 160 preflop? just wondering.
As played, you're probably behind v2, but I'd call to play for side pot w/ V1
Fish and I were 25k effective
Nma- there isn't going to be a side pot to play for. Villain one is never going to jam bricked draws. And he's never betting or jamming a worse king.
The only merit I can see for shoving would be if you think V1 is just all draws, none of which are going to bluff brick rivers. I assume he's never worse made here?
I think calling is pretty standard without a read like that. I wouldn't be too concerned with V2 as I'm sure he has plenty worse to get it in with.
yeah agreed. Anyway.. river bricked off and it went check check. V1 had AK. v2 had a King as well.
I would snap fold the turn. I think you're winning maybe 10% of the time and then you can also get bluffed out or sucked out on with very little equity vs hands that are beating you. I don't think playing a sidepot with v1 has that much value here.
Everything up until turn is vwp. Seems like a snap fold though. V1 just can't be light first to call oop both pre and on the flop. Also doesn't seem like a great bluff spot at all, though raising turn does seem better than calling (if you think it folds out AK- which is pretty much his bottom, but he has a decent amount).
I would never call vs the good player in the sb. its a raise or fold. i read his turn bet as a blocker type bet, so what kind of hands would he call with pre that would play like this? if pp from 22 to jj are in his range, i think we have to raise as he doesn't show up with a set here hardly ever and the only reasonable 2p he has is 89(which i think he might bet bigger for protection/value),and his range is made up of draws, pp, and some k's; ie really weak.
the fishy player in the middle calling makes me think about folding, but if you read him as fishy and just playing his cards, he could be getting it in much worse than us. the more we discount the sb pp and low end of his range, the more we need to fold, but i still think raising and following through on most rivers is the better play.
the reason i would never call is because you are letting him realize his equity for all his draws and pp for free, and when they don't come in you are still checking it back on the river. you are calling thinking you are ahead in this spot, which i don't think you are a lot. as played, any river bet i feel is getting snapped off, so checking back is fine
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