Live 1-2 raise or trap with aces?
Posted by vegandiet
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Mid Stakes
Live 1-2 raise or trap with aces?
Interesting spot came up in a live 1-2 game ten handed.
Three folds and two players in MP limp in.
On the button hero makes it 16 with AA and gets one call from the original limper, just sat down and have very limited info on the live game, but The lady that limp called had only 120 to start and looks like the old smoking lady from full guilt poker.
Flop comes K82 rainbow and lady leads 25 into the pot with bout 75-80 bucks behind.
What's your play?
Hero elects to call instead of raise and let the old smoking lady hang herself on the turn instead of lose he on the flop.
Opinions? At first I thought it was kinda a no brainer raise get it in, but given how dry th board is could there be more value in calling?
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