Live $1-2. QQ play for stacks in this spot?
Posted by ralphykid67
Posted by ralphykid67 posted in Mid Stakes
Live $1-2. QQ play for stacks in this spot?
This hand occurred only a few
rotations into my session, early on Friday night when action is ideal.
a weekend reg. No technical reads on how he plays. My player read was that he
was a decent reg who has been around the live poker scene awhile. He had about
a $700 stack which was big stack on table by $400 at least.
I sat with $250, had about $230 to start the hand. I’m in CO
with QcQd. 2 players who seemed like fish from my limited observations limped
in. I decide to just make it $10 which is a smaller raise in this game. Most
obvious players would probably raise $15 here with JJ+ AK. I wanted to be sure
to get at least one customer, and more than one isn’t terrible since I’m in
position and am comfortable folding if it gets ugly.
Villain described before is in SB, he calls, both limpers
FLOP 2c 4s 7s
Villain (sb) leads out $25 into $40. Both limpers fold.
My immediate instinct is he has a flush draw and is semi
bluff donking. This is a popular move at this venue. He could also have a hand
like 88 or 99 and wants to try and take it down. Some bad players will even do
this with any 7 (but I didn’t think he would).
I grab a pile of reds and raise to something like $65 or $70
(I didn’t count it). He immediately jams on me and I have a decision for my
remaining $150 or so.
I tanked and tried to talk to him, asked if he had a set. He
was stone faced but didn’t seem too comfortable knowing that I was only worried
about a set. I was quite certain he had a flush draw and I’m 60-65% to win
depending on exact combo. I ended up calling and holding.
Board ran out terrible was like a 3 and 6 but no spades, he
mucked and said he missed.
Seems pretty standard but figured I’d share. I generally don’t
like playing for stacks in a spot like this. If I have AA with As then of
course I’m happy to play for stacks. I don’t even have the Qs here though. Any
thoughts on this one?
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