Live $1-2- Bottom set facing aggression
Posted by ralphykid67
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Mid Stakes
Live $1-2- Bottom set facing aggression
Average table with some very passive fish and one older guy who is getting smacked with the deck. This old man is over 70, wearing suspenders and driving a scooter. He rarely folds when hitting a piece of a flop and has run down several good hands by backing into 2 pair or trips. When he bets he has it without fail though. Has not shown down any bluffs or thin value bets. I have not seen any check raises from him either. His stack is somewhere between $700-$800. He is our villain.
Hero stack ~350, limps in MP with 33.
One fish calls behind, another unknown calls as well. Sb completes and BB villain checks. 5 players to flop, pot $10.
Flop: 3 6 7 rainbow
Checks to Hero: ?
I bet $8 looking to start building the pot with a standard bet size. Both players behind me call, sb folds,Villain in BB check-raises to $35. Hero ?
I call the $27 extra and both players behind me calls also. Pot ~ $150
Turn: 8
Villain rips a tall stack of $125 into the pot. Hero ?
I folded. I'm only beating 76 and he looks like he has the nuts here. Probably going to be facing an all-in on the river and hating it. I'm also concerned about the players behind.
One thing I will note is that I did see him misplay AA horribly earlier. I don't remember full action but I know he limped, played passive until the river then fired a huge bet on a double paired board. Pretty sure he thought he was value betting even though it was a terrible/wet board.
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I wonder if he c/r 2pair. nitty old man probably just leads out large otf. I fold ott without proper odds as silly as it sounds. if you put 2pair in his range then obv call the 8 is pretty crap card also.
tough spot. Can you please post result or pm me im really curious because if he shows up with some crap 2 pair or AA it changes how I assign ranges in these spots.
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