line check BvB - NL50
Posted by Nik0la
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Low Stakes
line check BvB - NL50
NL50 deep.
I check because I want some draws in my checking range to defend against stabs and it's a decent board for his range if he 3bets kinda polarized. I will check raise with some sets / two pairs as well as bluffs. Plan was to bet big on turn and follow up with an overbet on the river if I didn't get raised at any point. I think most regs will come over the top on the flop with a set or at the latest on the turn. So if he would just call twice his range would be pretty capped and mine wouldn't so an overbet on the river would be nice.
Any thoughts on river plan, is my thought process good here?
BTN: 206.24 BB (VPIP: 35.21, PFR: 12.68, 3Bet Preflop: 6.67, Hands: 72)
Hero (SB): 200.5 BB
BB: 210.49 BB (VPIP: 27.03, PFR: 18.31, 3Bet Preflop: 10.54, Hands: 700)
Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 8c Qh
fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, BB calls 2 BB
Flop : (6 BB, 2 players) 9h Ts 4d
Hero checks, BB bets 4.5 BB, Hero raises to 12 BB, BB calls 7.5 BB
Turn : (30 BB, 2 players) 2d
Hero bets 22.5 BB, BB raises to 60 BB, fold
BB wins 73.13 BB
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U rep a really thin Value range since he probably expects you to bet 99 and 44 with a 100% frequency. TT and 9T you could checkraise on that Flop.
94s is probably not in your range as well as T4s, however he can have T4s in his range.
So you are repping 12 Combos of Value at best and if you check/raise all Q8 combos you need to give up some bluffs on Turn or River because bluffing over 50% makes it a snapcall for any bluffcatcher villain might have.
Exploitatively I don't really like the turnbet cause it's unlikely he is gonna fold on that blank since he already showed much strength calling your checkraise.
It's also questionable if he folds on the River to an overbet. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't.
So def shouldn't play all Q8 this way (then you are overbluffing).
27 vpip, possible he defend a lot in BB, 200bb deep NL50 I think it's a little bit loose open, except if he is a weaker player, but fine. He has less nuted hand on the flop only some 44, T9, T4s maybe because he 3b 99+ most of the time I assume. U can start with cbet also, but U can c/r if U want fine board for that, but I like blow a pot oop more with slightly stronger draws like GS+ bacdoors or something, and than U had more barrel opportunities.
I think a bigger raise size on the flop work better, from an exploitive standpoint maybe you always raise bigger with your nutted hands. Barell on the turn 2 also somewhat loose I think but okay. Be more carefull with your sizings.
If he just call on the turn still can have some two pair combo, and some rivers he can pick up more, some flush, straight, two pair combos. So I think you have to choose wisely, when U can bluff and when not. Choose some good blockers what fit for the situation.
Just lead the flop. Bet turn, it is cheaper and you get a better intell about villains range. Against a good reg and high frequnet bb defender, raising q8 off is a losing play imo.
Thanks everyone.
Regs definately don't defend BB enough and I don't either. Standard line for me would be to go for cbet and barrel. People don't do well against aggression so I'm trying to up my game a bit since deep stacked we have a lot of stack depth to play with. 90% of regs here don't defend their checks enough and check fold OOP at a really high frequency and I think he knows this so hes stabbing alot. Vs rec player im always just tripple barreling with nutted hands and using exploitable sizings.
Is it worth the stress playing Q8off oop when you raise to win 1.5 bb? I think its hard to make a possibly +EV play in the long run when you actually just win so litte. it just doesnt feel as good when you take down the pot pre and we say i just won 0.05 bb per 100. Just another conisderation.
I think poker is about small edges so we have to try to take every +EV line we can even if it seems really small. Maybe this spot is not +EV, I can't really know since I won't ever have a big enough sample. Before I played only spots where I knew what to do but you won't really progress as a player doing that. If I think opening Q8o is slightly profitable I will do it.
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