Limped in Fish overjams River
Posted by PokerVagabond
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Low Stakes
Limped in Fish overjams River
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $4.40
SB: $2.41
BB: $5.00 (Hero)
UTG: $8.46
MP: $5.39
CO: $10.02
SB: $2.41
BB: $5.00 (Hero)
UTG: $8.46
MP: $5.39
CO: $10.02
Villain is playing 57/14 over 7 hands. Obvious fish even with limited hands due to stats and limping
Hero is BB with
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Maybe could have bumped it up to .26c or even .30c
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Min raise could indicate a whole host of things. From limped in AA/KK, Any T, Any 8 and also random bluffs. I elect to simply call as I don't think, on average, that I would be in very good shape if we got it in here. Also by calling I keep in any bluffs (Which could be alot)
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Similar situation to the previous and the board just became worse. With a bet of under 1/3 pot I tend to find these spots very polarising. If I elect to raise then I fold out any spewy bluffs that are deciding to continue and so, in my opinion, I only really have a option of calling. If I raise here what would call me that I beat? AT,QT,KT?
If my maths serves me correctly, Risk/(Risk+Reward) then we need around 35% equity to make this call. Please let me know if I have this wrong!
It is my opinion that fish don't tend to overjam the river unless that are extremely strong, I mat inclined to call if i had more reads and could see the villain is an aggro fish but that is far from the case here.
After putting a very wide range into flopzilla and giving villain a lot of bluffs on the river it still seems that are we a decent chunk away from hitting our required equity. Would love to hear peoples thoughts and ways I can improve my hand reading analysis and what not.
Thanks again people!
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I believe your math is correct and I also agree with your other assessments. Like you said you might consider raising slightly larger pre-flop but the hand looks good otherwise. Don't think you can call the river without knowing that villain will have a disproportionately large amount of bluffs in his range.
Quite strange line from villian, seems strong (min -raise flop, small turn bet, and overbet river). Probably folding this 100% of the times, and looking to get some reads on that player
This spot sucks. I think that I'd be folding without a more concrete read on the villain but paying a lot of attention to hands that they're involved in going forward.
Cheers for the feedback once again guys. Glad my math was correct!
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