Lets Balance Ranges! 953dd after defending raise BB vs CO.

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Lets Balance Ranges! 953dd after defending raise BB vs CO.

Hand is a made up hand.  Villain opens 30% from the CO to 2.5x, we defend with a range of roughly 25% (shown in picture below).  With an R of 60, we should be defending at least 20%.  The range shown takes away hands we 3bet (QQ+, AK, half of AQs, most JJ, half of TT).  Villain is a solid reg with no other reads.  The flop comes up 9d5c2c.  He cbets 70% pot.

I colored in Photoshop how we proceed with our range, blue is check/call, red is check/raise, and black is check/fold:

All AQs-A9s, A5s-A2s; A8s-A6s of diamonds and clubs only
A9o+, A8o with a club
KQs-KTs of diamonds and clubs, K8 of clubs
KQo-KTo with a club, K9o
QJs, QTs, Q8s of clubs, Q9s
JT of diamonds and clubs, J8, J7 of clubs
T8s, T7s of clubs, T9s
98s, 97s
87s of clubs
76 of clubs

J8, J7, T7, T8, 87, 76 of diamonds
55, 33

Some key stats that I came up with:

Check/Call Flop - 57%
Check/Call Strength on the turn - 36% (Made up of at least a 9, strong draws, and floats that hit)
Check/Raise Flop - 4.5% (13/295)
Check/Raise Flop Value - 46%
Check/Fold Flop - 38%

Note:- Calling with the KQ-KT combos is when we have a backdoor flushdraw.  Same with A8o.  Actually most check/calls that make sense only with the BDFD is only counting the BDFD (like A6s/A6dd as well).

1) We are check/calling way more than raising.  How does this ratio look?
2) Our check/call strength seems to be low.  The 36% number is hands we would have a very high chance of calling the next street, so unless we float a lot more, we will be folding over 60% to the next barrel.
3) Our optimal bluff frequency is over 40%, and in this situation we are over 50%.  Is this too high?  We also have some equity with our bluffs.
4) How would you change this range?


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Troll 11 years, 4 months ago

Hey, if you want somebody help you then don't make us decipher your painting.

Just export ranges and provide it as range. use equilab, combonator, pokerstove, cardrunners EV or something like this. Just provide us normal range :|

Jesus, just tried to put that range into combonator- it is absolutely masochism! (facepalm)

Provideo screen shots from specified tools + exported ranges.

I just tilted myself even trying to read that diagram :|

znzznz 11 years, 4 months ago

Sorry.  I have the bigger picture up.  I don't have exported ranges because I didn't use those tools, but I tried to type them out.  Let me know if this works or is still confusing!

BigFiszh 11 years, 4 months ago

I agree with Troll, I started modelling your idea in CREV, but it´s just close to impossible to get along with the information you gave, we likely won´t find a common base to discuss ... there are too many conflicts showing up when doing this manually (which you probably did?), like:

- Why do you fold A9x on the flop w/o club?
- What are you doing with the 75% of JJ that is not marked? Does that mean you only call 25% pre?


Daz 11 years, 4 months ago

given R=60, with CO open 30% and 2.5x open i have a raw equity defend range of 23% {33+, A5+ Axx, KT+ K9s, QJ QTs}, for the sake of the discussion i will use your defending range

[i'm still looking over the post]

znzznz 11 years, 4 months ago

If you used a pokerstove opening range that may be the difference.  The 30% I used was:

33+ A2s+ A7o+ K5s+ K9o+ Q7s+ QTo+ J7s+ JTo T7s+ 97s+ 86s+ 76s 65s

znzznz 11 years, 4 months ago

Explained why some boxes are left half-colored in the original post.

"There are a few reasons the boxes are cut in 1/2, 1/4, or 3/4.  For JJ, we 3bet mostly, leaving about 25% of jacks (or 1.5 jacks).  TT, we are 3betting it 50%.  For hands like A9o, K9o, etc, they have a pair, so I take away 25% and leave 75%.  For sets, I take away 50%.  What is colored is how we arrive to the flop."

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