Leak finding suggestions

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Leak finding suggestions

Hi Guys,

A couple years ago I used to grind hu hypers, and this month I started playing a little bit again, and wanted to give a longer shot on 6-max cash.

I'm looking for stats advice. I know the sample is relatively small and I know variance (have run over 200 bis under ev in the past and was "fine" with it) but I want to target the leaks early, as I've started to question my game.

Based on stats, do you see any strong contender for situations to check?

At a glance, I see two potential leaks:
1) Playing way too wide at SB? I've just recently started to pay more attention to that.
2) Won at Showdown % could be higher? I feel I might be bluffing too much here and there or just generally be a little too loose postflop. I've started trying to be more aggressive with more backdoor draws and equity.
3) Losing at CO is weird, but I can definitely blame the sample on that I think.

NL10 Zoom

Btw, what's the top 3-5 stats you'd use on the HUD when having small samples? At the moment I'm looking at VPIP/PFR/3B/AFq and autonotes from PT4.


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Shaun Pauwels 4 years, 9 months ago

26/21/11 looks good. But I don't like how your EP/MP/CO/BTN/SB VPIP is structured. It's 23/21/25/32/28. You need to tighten your EP/MP and likely open wider in the other three positions instead.
And it's weird you have such a low fold to 3-bet with a wider UTG range. Could be just sample size messing it up. You want to aim for defending about 50% of your range as a standard and adjust when needed.

I would add a sample size on the stats as well so you know how relevant your sample size is. I don't have lots of stats on my HUD either, I click open when I want to check things.

If you need a hand sample you can get free samples on HHmailer. They say it's a small sample but after a few days I had a few million. These are all for regular tables but lots of people mix the two. And you can see who is more of a regular player rather quickly this way.

ENEMYfu 4 years, 9 months ago

Your folding to cbet stats are also way too low. Generally speaking, the further down people cbet (turn/river), in most cases people underbluff heavily. So look to find more folds. Also, I'd advice to play 3bet or fold from the SB and cut away all the coldcalling there.

Preflop seems to be the easiest way to fix some of your leaks, so I'd advice to watch Patrick Sekinger vids about Preflop, as well as the vids from Francesco Lacriola.

crazyriver 4 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll definitely look the calling spots up.

Agree on the SB, as I already mentioned in the post, I feel I was playing too wide/passive at SB.

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