Labeling Opponents - How do you do it?

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Labeling Opponents - How do you do it?

I have a few questions on the topic - input greatly appreciated!!
How do you guys label opponents? I believe this is a very subjective topic as someone that plays 13/13 VP/PR would consider someone else that plays 22/19 a loose player and 31/24 a loose cannon.
Do you have certain guidelines or label subjectively?
If you have guidelines what are your stats for each of them?
How many labels you have?
After how many hands you label opp besides recriationals?

So far I only had, recreational, regs(tight/agg), agrofish, nits and loose/agg - I put loose passive such as 40/5 into the rec group. I am wondering if I am doing some incorrect labeling.



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RaoulFlush 4 years ago

Im trying to keep this simple:

Nit: something like 19/18 and below
Reg: everything between like 20/19 and 30/28
Fish: everything that is weired: so hard to put in concrete numbers, but like high vipip, huge gap between vpip and pfr, high/low 3bet, weired cb stats, ....
Whale: vpip 50+ and mostly low pfr

But im trying to write concrete notes that i can generalize fast, like: „floats too whide“ or „doesnt bluff weak flush draw OTR“
Dont see too much merrit in notes like „played x on y for X/c“

TPLancaster 4 years ago

Must Play - Crazy Fish, they do something extraordinary in a hand
Under 100bbs - Going to be generally weaker player
Tight Passive- Good VPIP, Low RFI, Low 3BET
Tight Aggressive- Good VPIP, Good RFI, High 3BET
Loose Passive- High VPIP Low RFI Low 3BET
Loose Aggresive- High VPIP, High RFI, Hight 3BET
Note Label - Just have a note on someone, like snap checked back easy value bet, but no real sample

All TP TA LP LA have over 100 hand sample.

maco 4 years ago

Nit, reg, reg fish( 30/11), fish, whales. Now when I dont have stats I keep it simple: reg, reg fish, fish and I make a lot of notes.

Aroma 4 years ago

Cool many thanks guys looks I am pretty much on the same labeling system, only diff is the 100hands(will start doing so) and separating regs from tag and lag. Thanks!!

Jbarez 4 years ago

In general I dont think its good idea to make labels only based on preflop stats - you have this in hud, so why make informations on table redundant? Additionally poker is game of limited information - what you know in general stats on small sample can be false when you get more hand on opponent. I label by vpip only nit, and few times I saw that player who was 17/13 after 500 hands went to 28/22 after 2k hands. Thats why I focus mostly on player tendencies I witnessed.

Nit - > for regular that has very tight vpip(<20)
Reg -> for every type of regular, general tag
Aggressive Reg -> exactly as label states
Station Reg -> for regulars I saw calling marginal hands few times
Bad Reg -> I give this when I see COMPLETELY missplayed hands or huge leaks.
Potential Fish -> I give this label for everyone that did something fishy like limping, min3betting or dont have full 100bb stack
Spewer Fish -> for aggressive fishes who bluff a lot
Station Fish -> recreational who calls too much
Whale -> fish that did some ridiculous things and clearly has completely no idea what he is doing.

sjfraley1975 4 years ago

I don't know about fast poker, but I use notes and color coding on regular tables extensively so I can quickly see whether a given seat is worth sitting in since I can't get the HUD up until I play a hand.

Jbarez 4 years ago

Dunno why you replied to my comment but yeah, you are right thats its nice to know who is who just by looking at table in lobby. Thats why I focus on labeling recreationals and bad regs as those are players I want to play against.

HawksWin 4 years ago

I play on an anonymous site so I have to do my labeling in real time. I use colors like Blue for Bluffy, Purple/Violet for Passive/Value heavy, Orange for sticky (orange juice is very sticky). That way I can quick glance and I know what they did last time.

I use Green for any short stack = I click them and simply note stack depth i.e. 50 for a guy why is playing a 1/2 stack. I keep them green as I see any dumb stuff, etc.

I use Red if I see aggression with a "value" hand and a Darker Blue if they spewed off a stack preflop (i.e. some guy 4b+ with A9o). I also keep them red if they are very very tight.

I use a lighter blue if I see them bluffing or value betting super thin postflop. If I get donked into and he folds to a raise, I tag him light blue and note "donk/folded xxx board" for example.

I use Purple (Purple = P = Passive or Violet = V = Value). If I see a guy triple off with the nuts, he gets that tag and a note "3 = value".

I use Orange for guys that are sticky, like some dude calling down 3rd pair vs big bets.

I use Yellow reg types.

One thing that I have found that helps me from getting distracted trying to write out notes and keep up with 4+ tables is to continuously create notes in Word or Any Document program and then I can quick copy/paste the standardized note into the box and not get distracted.

Stuff like:

Donk/Folds flops
X/R bluffed flop

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