KTo top pair facing 3 betting streets
Posted by Sanderb151
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Low Stakes
KTo top pair facing 3 betting streets
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $17.64
SB: $16.80 (Hero)
BB: $23.12
UTG: $10.49
MP: $16.07
CO: $10.85
SB: $16.80 (Hero)
BB: $23.12
UTG: $10.49
MP: $16.07
CO: $10.85
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
MP wins $3.34
Rake is $0.16
Rake is $0.16
I´m kind of new to run it once so I don´t know all the jargon, sorry for that. I would like to hear your thoughts on this hand. Was really thinking about calling the turn, but after three betting streets, top pair good kicker usually isn´t good.
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what type of player is the villain? with KTo i would rather 3 bet light than calling OOP because it is to weak to call against most of the TAG players.
i would rather raise the turn because not a lot of hands can continue and only premiums like AA KK QQ ( which you would have filtered out of his range by simply 3-betting light preflop) or sets will shove here. against all the other hands you have decent fold equity.
you run into waaay to much spots like this where you wont be too comfortable to call the river bet with KTo if you play it like this :)
There is no need to turn top pair second kicker into a bluff OTT. I'm sorry but I think your advice is really bad. Villain has a reasonable amount of bluffs and still has worse for value. Hero can turn weaker pairs into a bluff here, like 67s
well i think it pretty much depends on his range, if he is a TAG who does not put variation in his game he won't have 67s or hands like this in his calling range when we 3 bet him preflop. i would not raise the turn if i just flatted pre ( which i 'd never do unless its KTs and i want to balance my play). the advice of raising the turn is only for the situation where we 3 bet pre. but after thinking about it this move is just good if you have a history thats true
I'm not talking about villain, I'm talking about hero...
If we 3-bet pre we are the PRF, so we have the betting lead...there is no "raise", there is check or bet. If you mean check/raising I think its even worse than x/r vs PFR in a SRP.
okay i think youre right.
How do you post a hand like that? with those little hearts, spades etc
This is because of the run it once compatibility with some hand histories format. It is going to look like that whenever a HH is compatible with this site
Well played except for preflop. This is a 3-bet or fold. It seems like you should put some time into building your preflop ranges
Thanks for your advice! I´ve been working on it, do you have some tips on how to work on my pf ranges?
Do you have essential subscription here? If so, watch tons of live play videos and try to pay attention to what the pros are doing. Take notes of that, and try to understand why they are doing what they are doing, like why they are 3-betting a linear range from SB, why they are 3-betting a polarized range from BB, and so on. If you can understand the reasoning for their play you can then build your own ranges and adapt them ingame accordingly to opponents tendencies
KTs sometimes is call, but it depends of BB. With KTo it is easy 3bet or fold preflop.
Fold pre vs MP, don't call or 3b.
Leading flop is an option - very good board for you.
As played, I don't think I would be able to fold this - stuff like QJ/A9s/K9s/Q9s/AXcc missed, he could be turning 7x into a bluff sometimes.
I don't like the idea of raising turn - I think that our hand is too strong for that.
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