KQs 3bet pot OOP
Posted by OZfaktor
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Low Stakes
KQs 3bet pot OOP
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (5 Players)
CO: $10.23
BN: $7.26
SB: $10.10 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $16.88
BN: $7.26
SB: $10.10 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $16.88
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
CO wins $3.55
Rake is $0.17
Rake is $0.17
V: 49/26 after 40 hands
PF: Do you 3bet KQs here? How about KQo? Do you prefer suited or offsuit brodways for 3betting here?
Flop: no idea how this board hits his range. It's somewhat dry but I think I will get a call from any pocket pair not sure if I fold enough Ax, Kx, and Qx to cbet here. Still I think cbetting would be a better option. I don't know why I have called without position and only backdoor FD and overcards but it's a spew IMO.
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Hey OZ, welcome to RIO keep posting hands mate you in the right place!
Preflop I like your play, three betting linear here not calling much unless I had a reason; fish behind or low three bettors and than id be trying to sneak some PP's etc into that calling range. With no info I like simplifying and playing three bet or fold here.
Very good board for IP, who might slightly push equity vs a wider linear 3 bet range range.
Im thinking maybe just check range and have a very agro CR?
Im sure optimal play has us CBing a weird merged range x% of the time and checking x% of the with a nutty CR range, favoring BDFD overcards as bluffs in both CB/CR lines .
But I think this flop is interesting going to take a look at it closer and come back later :D
OOP can probably cbet range here
OOP cbet strat
SB cbets 70% of the time at equillibrium with the following assumptions:
- SB 10% 3bet range (see above)
- CO 11% calling range
- Only the 35% betsize option
OOP is pushing only 51% equity because IP has many more 9x than him. But you can still push the mixed strats towards pure bets with only 2.3% EV loss.
Range bet
The hands that want to check are the suited hands without BDFD and AJo/KQo with a non BDFD suit (in this case a spade). Another option is to cbet everything apart from those suited hands. The check range will be a very small portion of your range so you shouldnt care about it being all trash. There is a slight EV gain when you do that
Check spades
I checked in my DB if people are really defending K9s-J9s vs 3bets in position from the CO. From my 50z DB alias, people open 27% hands and fold 56,5%. which means they defend (with a call or 4bet) with 43,5 % x 27% = 11,7% of hands. This is what I think 11,7% hands mean in this spot: CO defense vs 3bet IP
So IP probably doesnt have all K9s-J9s at nl10. If thats the case, then OOP EV jumps to 102.6. Now OOP is pushing 52% equity, and betting range (now betting range for the bigger sizing - I compared EVs and not a single hand prefers to bet 1/3) loses 2.8% EV. Check/folding spades also improves EV a little bit: check spades/ bet 60% otherwise
PS: I ran a sim at first with two OOP bet sizes, 35 and 60 and then only 35. OOP prefers the bigger sizing and it lost EV when I removed the 60% size.
1) The board is close to neutral, favoring OOP a little bit because of QQ+. The fact that IP has more 9x affects things significantly. So when making a postflop decision its importante to understand what our opponents preflop range looks like.
2) OOP can cbet range for 1/3 or 60% with not a big EV loss.
3) Check/folding the hands with very poor equity (spades) and betting the rest improves EV.
4) 60% is almost always prefered over 1/3
My inital thought expressed above comes from the significant amount of study I've been doing in SB vs BTN 3BP. I haven't done any significant work in SB vs CO though. In this scenario, SB pushes 55% equity, signifcantly more than SB vs CO. SB vs BTN @ 962r
I thought it was relevant to bring the context of SB vs BTN, because it has been helpful for me in order to understand similar spots.
Its not the end of the world to check/call this hand but the prefered action is indeed to cbet
Nice work saulo my equity assumption was a little off
Thank you Saulo and others for great analysis :)
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